One Step at a Time

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Ming-Li looked into the fire, watching the embers glow and crackle. She never knew that martial arts had such a history, nor how strongly the idea of martial arts had affected her life by taking her family away from her. Like Ling Hong-Ting had pointed out, Wu Ming-Li was wanted by Wang Bai-Lian. She remembered how, passing through several towns closer to the imperial city, contained faded but clearly drawn wanted flyers of her as a little child with her name boldly written across the edges with an award amount for her head--dead or alive.

However, now Swen Ling-Whei also had a price on her head too, in a differing form--a runaway bride of a government official. Perhaps, with how things stand, she could find some stable ground--one that allowed her to bridge the differences of her past, present, and possibly even the future. Also, she may finally know more about her family. Growing up, Nanny didn't like to talk much about her family for fear of suddenly being overheard. 

Furthermore, she always felt off kilter. She always felt like wanting to do something--anything more. Out of survival, she kept away from stepping up for herself when people picked on her or stepped all over her. She kept her head down to pass by merely as a shadow and not attract unwanted attention--however well that went. After all these years living with her head down, could she even live up to the shadows of her family legacy or gain back the confidence to keep her head up? Do the things these martial artist are able to do?

"It's not an easy decision. One feels like returning to the me that wanted to be like my mother, being sure of herself and thus, reverting back to Wu Ming-Li. On the other hand, the other one feels like I just do enough to survive and I wouldn't be able to face Mother, Father or Nanny when we meet again," she grimaced. "I know that peace and prosperity usually means not taking up arms, but with Wang Bai-Lian's rule, this county has nothing but strife and hardship on the people. With the corrupt Magistrates and governors, how can this be true peace and prosperity?" She looked Ling Hong-Ting in the eyes, sitting up straight. "I would like to be your Disciple and learn the ways of the Grave Watcher's Sect. I want to become the Wu Ming-Li that looked up to my Mother and Father, hoping one day to be just like them, strong and knowing of what they really want in life. I want to experience the peace and prosperity my mother and father had tried so dearly to keep. I--I also want...I also want to be strong again. I've lived too long running and just trying to pass by. It felt wrong for years but it was all I knew. I would like to also find myself again," she declared, bowing her head.

Ling Hong-Ting's lips slowly curved into a smile, "I accept your declaration and accept you as my Disciple. I, too, would like to see this Wu Ming-Li that is the daughter of the People's Councilman and the favorite sister of the late Emperor, Mong Fu-Li."

"Thank you Master Ling Hong-Ting," she said, raising her head smiling. Ling Hong-Ting's smile widened. She looked out the cave entrance and glanced at Wu Ming-Li. "Well, first step--your name. When we're alone, I'll call you Wu Ming-Li. Since it is still quite dangerous for you right now, stick to Swen Ling-Whei when out in public. You can refer to me as Master Ling or Ling Hong-Ting. There is still plenty of light so let's begin with a few basics. Change into your clothes. You're still too small in these spare ones of mine," she chuckled, as she stood up stretching. Ming-Li quickly got up and changed into her clothes before dashing out to meet Master Ling. Master Ling was near the water's edge, taking care of the horse. "Come here, I have someone for you to meet." Ming-Li came up next to her. "This is Qiang Hei. He was bred for endurance and agility. He's quite smart and can be mischievous. You have been warned." Qiang Hei snorted as if in agreement, before turning a hazel eye towards Ming-Li a for closer inspection. "He's beautiful...and so tall." Qiang Hei nudged his nose at Ming-Li's shoulder and she petted his head. "Huh...he likes you already? Oh you traitorous beast! You took so long to befriend me!" Ling Hong-Ting huffed, shaking her head. She patted the horse's neck and walked towards a little clearing with two large rocks in the sunlight. Ming-Li patted the horse one more time before following Master Ling to the clearing. Ling Hong-Ting leaped into the air and landed lightly on one of the gravel rocks, sitting down cross-legged.

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