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© Copyright Sweetdreamer747 2012

"Where...am I?"

These words are ringing in my head like an echo; repeating over and over again. I feel like I have been here before.

What is going on?

I realize I am laying on the ground as if waking up from an prolonged sleep and that the surface below me is cold and a little damp.

Snow falls slowly as it blankets the ground around me, but for some reason I am not covered in it. Am I even in civilization anymore?This desolate area gives off a really eerie vibe and it is creeping me out.

I sit up slowly to take a look at my surroundings and all I see are trees and snow. Now I am sure I have been here before but when....where and how?

I gradually stand up, careful not to fall because I my skin is numb and my whole body is weak.

Just as I was beginning to feel alone a man starts to appear through a walkway between the trees. He is quite the distance away from me and I can barely make out his face but there is something familiar about him....

"Hey, you!" I yell, trying to grab his attention. No response. The man just keeps walking at the same moderate pace.

"Hey!" I yell again, but louder. He doesn't seem to hear me so I begin walking towards him.

My feet feel heavy like a pair of bricks and I'm not wearing shoes, but that doesn't stop me from moving. I need to know where I am and why I am here. Is this a dream?

If so then this dream is messed up.

Can't I have a happy dream with butterflies and unicorns like most girls? Ok, maybe most girls don't dream about that stuff but that would be a heck of a lot better than this one. It can't be a dream...everything feels too real. The man is now about 5 feet away from me and comes to a reluctant halt. I had a feeling if I'd move he would run so I stay where I am.

"M...Mel...ony." the words he softy mutters under his breath sound strangely familiar, like I have heard them before... like I have heard his voice before.

I commence walking again to this man whom I feel like I have known my whole life. Every part of me is telling me to stop because if I get closer I have a feeling I won't wake up.

Reality is escaping from me,and yet I don't want to stop. I feel scared, but not of what might happen to me.

I'm afraid of what I can't remember.

Cold metal brushes against my chest that I hadn't noticed before. I look down to see I am wearing a unique amulet. I have never seen one like it, its so beautiful. It's a spherical piece of glass that resembles the moon that changes colors with a star hanging on the end of it. All dangling off a long silver chain that ends slightly below my chest.

There is something peculiar about this amulet. A light inside resembles the aurora borialis in the north pole, but this is a necklace ...so how can that be possible?

Walking closer to him I notice, the colors of blue and violet and yellow grow more vibrant from the light inside and extends outward from the amulet. I reach the man and just as I am about to touch him the light grows bright and begins to encircle around me, almost embracing me.

The light is...warm. My chest is also warm.

It feels like my heart is on fire and a mixture of emotions overwhelm me. The feeling of loss, love, happiness, sadness... It's like the light is looking inside of me and it is searching for something. Maybe it's searching for something just as bright as this light, but it won't find it.

If I can't find it myself then NO one ... and NOTHING can.

Melody Forgotten (on hold/ hella forgotten)Where stories live. Discover now