Chapter Three

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"Daryl, I'm fine to use the crutches. Hershel said so, as long as I don't walk on the foot." You complained as he lifted you from the bed, he refused to let you walk on your own though. Hershel had told you that you would need to stay in bed for at least six weeks so you had made a little calendar and marked the six weeks from that sat forward. Daryl took care of your every need, helped you shower, carried you to the are to way every meal and then stated with you until he knew for sure you were okay. He even slept in the cell block with you, no matter how many times you had told him to go outside because you knew it was getting to him.

"Stop complainin'. Imma carry you until I can't no more." He said and you sighed loudly, one are wrapped around his neck as he sat you gently in your seat. While he was gone, you could overhear a couple of the girls talking a few rows down.

"She's just acting like she's hurt to get attention. " One girl said to the other.

"So she doesn't have to work, probably. She's just a little bitch." The other agreed and you could feel the tears beginning to well up in your eyes, about ready to fall over when you decided you were tired of everyone talking about you and that you would do what you wanted, whether or not Daryl liked it. You turned and stood on your good foot first, everyone had already started work when you joined them so you began to walk, determined to get something done if you had to limp you way down to the fence. Hershel tried to stop you though but you pushed past him and out of the cell block, him following as he protested the whole while. Your ankle was really hurting by the time you had made it outside, favoring your right foot even more than before. You had nearly made it to the first gate when you stepped and fell to the ground, you could hear Hershel telling out for Daryl, who was running towards you. By the time he made it to your side, your foot was hurting so badly you were whimpering loudly. He lifted you into his arms and carried you back to your bed, laying you down and taking your sock off, rolling your jeans up so Hershel could look at your ankle--swollan and most like re-injured is what he finally said. Daryl turned to face me and I saw it coming before he ever even spoke.

"What were ya thinkin'? You could's got yourself hurt!" He said and you looked away from his questioning eyes,you weren't planning on telling him why either.

"I'm fine, I would'a been fine if you had left me alone too." You said and turned so you back was to them, Maggie had come to make sure you were okay.

"No, you ain't fine. Now you're gone be stuck here longer, what did ya go and do that for?" He question but you didnt answer him, only lay there as the tears flowed freely.

"Will ya answer me?" He asked and you could tell he was getting annoyed, you whiped at your face and he seemed to realized why you were so silent. He sat next to you and touched your arm, he never was good with crying women--he had told you that but even a touch so simple made you want to open up and tell him everything.

"I heard them talking and it just made me so mad, they--"

"You heard who talkin'?" He asked and you sighed.

"Two girls, the ones that came in from Atlanta a couple days ago. They were saying that I was faking the injury so I didn't have to work, I wanted to show them I wasn't faking. That I'm not some weak little child that needs to be taken care of, I'm not weak Daryl!" You had begun to sob by them and he let out an angry sound, standing before you grabbed his hand.

"No, p-please. Don't." You begged and he looked down into your eyes, nodding before he sat back down. You leaned into his chest and he held you until you went to sleep.


Daryl stood from the bed and walked from the cell, down the hall and was just about to reach where the two of the worked when Maggie grabbed his arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2017 ⏰

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