15 Reasons Why People Might Hate Me

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First off let me just say I shouldn't have started the book like this, but oh well!

- I'm "allergic" to chocolate, tomatoes, & marshmallows
- I hate the colors pink and blue
- I don't really play video games
- I haven't read TMR or THG but I HAVE seen the movies
- I think Thomas (Dylan O'brien) is a hideous beast
- I think Newt (Thomas Brody Sangster) is also a hideous beast
- I have an unhealthy crush/obsession with Gally (Will Poulter)
- I have a Gally shrine in my closet
- Team Peeta Forever
- I hate Gale from the bottom of my heart
- My favorite character from Divergent is Peter
- I think Peter is super cute
- Four (Theo James) is the ugliest person to ever walk this earth
- I laugh at the sad parts of movies
- It takes me about 5 minutes to get to know a person and then 5 more to decide if I hate or like them

So that's some stuff that might make you hate me. If you do, suck it. Because I don't give a freaking crap.

Anyway, if I haven't already scared you away, then you must be as weird as me!

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