I Be Back

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So boating was really fun. I got to go tubing and I didn't fall off once, so really proud of myself there. I got to hang out with my friends and yeah. I also got sunburned. Really bad. On my face. I only put sunscreen on once, so it's kinda my fault that I got burned which I kinda now regret because it burns! So afterwards I went to my aunt'd house. I ate pizza, watching TMR, and went swimming even though the pool was closed. #rebels I did a lot of stuff that I wasn't supposed to do at the pool. And then I wet back to my aunt's house. I put on some Aloe Vera for my sunburn but that made the sunburn 10 times worse so I washed it off. So then I watched a movie.  I was watching a scary movie and I didn't feel very well. I was really tired so I feel asleep. But I also feel asleep because my stomach hurt. But then I woke up and I ran downstairs and threw up. It was nasty and super painful. But I made it to the toilet so score! Then I went back upstairs, continued to watch the scary movie, and then I went home. So my day was pretty good until the end. I really feel sick, but I'm going to wait until the morning to see if I really am. And I know that's not the smartest choice, but it's all I can do right now.

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