Chapter 3

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Hours later Kiran finally came upon a sparsely populated road hugging the foot of a mountain. Kiran wasn't too keen on climbing anytime soon so she decided to follow the road eastward. She was tired as hell but stopping wasn't an option. Kiran couldn't imagine that The Doctors were far behind. The only thing that had helped her keep her distance was the density of the forest sprawling out at her right. They had to chase her on foot there meaning they had no advantage she didn't. Once they got to the road though she was screwed unless she could hitch a ride soon.

So, Kiran kept walking waiting for a driver heading her direction that was willing to bear her extra weight. In the next 20 mins of her life three, maybe four cars passed her by none of them seeming to think she was worth the time it'd take to stop and open their doors for her. She thanked the lord that it only took about five minutes more for one car to come up the road and actually pull over for her.

"Where yah headed, doll?", the driver asked in a Jubilant tone as Kiran entered the car and closed the door. Kiran found it odd that the driver didn't decide to inquire into her condition. She imagined she must have looked like shit and caught a glimpse of herself in the rear view mirror confirming her suspicions, but she was much too tired to give it a second thought and she thought the driver seemed nice enough.

"Just take me up the mountain to the nearest town. I should be able to handle myself from there."

"You got it, dear. Reclining lever's on your right side if you'd like to get some rest till we get there."

"Thank you so much," Kiran exhaled, her drifting voice overflowing with gratitude, "You have no idea how much this means to me, thank you," she breathed as she fell into a deep sleep. Her first mistake of the night.

#4this point, like maybe he had had a taste of hope right before it was kicked out of him. With only a few words Kiran understood his life story and was instantly depressed by how much it r

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