Capitolo 3

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I felt dead. Literally.

The first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes was that everything was white: white walls, white ceiling, everything.

I sucked in a deep breath when something was pressed against my stomach.

"Ah", I groaned softly and tried to move my arm. I tried to open my eyes, but my eyelids felt so heavy.

"Miss, can you hear me?", someone asked while snapping their fingers in front of my face. I tried to nod but failed when a sudden pain erupted from my stomach and made its way to my back, making me shut my eyes in agony. I gasped at the amount of pain and arched my back and tried to suppress the cry that was threatening to escape.

"I-it hurts", I gasped and fisted my hand in the thin white sheets that covered me. I felt a little sharp pain in my arms and I started to slowly relax. I could faintly hear the beeping machine decreasing by each minute. My ears perked up when I heard commotion outside, hearing many voices at once.

People are way too loud sometimes. Something started to kick in my body that I slowly drifted off to sleep again.

When I woke up again, the pain wasn't as intense as it was before. I looked down and noticed I had my left arm bandaged with a white cast, along with my chest covered in bandages. Every now and then a nurse would come and give me painkillers and some other liquid medicine. My eyes flew open when I heard the door bang open and several people came inside. I internally groaned and tried to suppress the headache that was threating to happen. I really wasn't in the mood to explain what happened, I just wanted to rest. Snapping out of my thoughts, I offered a weakly smile at my parents.

"Hey," I whispered to them in a raspy voice. My mom looked at me with pain in her eyes while coming to me and hugging the life out of me. I whimpered when she pressed too hard on my chest, making her pull away fast. I knew millions of questions were about to be shot my way. My mouth was dry and I was hungry, I was not in the mood to explain anything.

"How are you feeling, honey?" my mom asked softly. I was surprised how calm she was, even my dad looked at her in astonishment.

"I feel fine, I just want to rest," I replied. She carefully took my hand and gave a gentle squeeze. She traced my bandages with her fingers while tears escaped her eyes. My dad looked at her and embraced her in a tight hug, telling her with his actions that everything was going to be alright.

After our small exchange, we fell into a comfortable silence. My parents sat beside on the chair with their heads resting on the wall behind them. I then turned my gaze to the small tv place in front of the bed, trying to decipher what the actors were saying, but failed when I realized the audio was in Italian . I closed my eyes and shifted on the bed, trying to get more comfortable. Hospital beds tend to be hard as hell, it felt as if I were sleeping on big rock. I really needed a rest.

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