Capitolo 5

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I stood frozen inside the room when Greta's words registered in my head. What. The. F*ck! 

"I was just playing around, Katherine. You have to be in your room," Greta said with a forced, nervous smile on her face and grabbed me by the shoulders to direct me back to the door where I came from. While Greta was rushing me to the door, I looked around fast to see if I could register any faces. I was only able to catch the blue eyed man face as he stared right into my eyes for a few seconds.

"What are you doing roaming around? Nicolas will get pissed off if he sees you snooping! Even more with you walking in that clothing," she whispered in an angry and agitated tone. I was not able to form any words since I was still trying to process why she couldn't just let me in the room. And why I was still kidnapped. Looking at her with sad and doubtful eyes, I just shrugged my shoulders and looked down. 

"I-I am sorry. I didn't know there was company around and was looking for a distraction. Being holed up in a room is not exactly fun," I replied with a sarcastic voice while staring at Greta directly in the eye. The blonde woman just looked at me without any expression and grabbed me again by the arm, directing me back to the room I so dreaded to be back at. Once she made sure I was safe back in the room, she closed the door behind her without uttering a single word. I was kind of surprised to see that she did not chain me back.  Instead, she just put them aside. I  let out an upset sight and let myself collapse on the comfy bed. 

"I wonder how my mom is doing," I muttered to myself after sitting in complete silence for a few minutes. 

"She's doing fine. They're all doing fine."

A yelp escaped my mouth when I heard his voice echo around the big room. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, trying to figure out how I did not heard him come in. I looked back into his daring green eyes. To say he looked fine was an understatement.

"I did not hear you come in," I replied while standing up from the bed and trying to cover myself with the sheets. He stood frozen in place and stared at my body profoundly at me. I gulped nervously and cleared my throat to disguise his eyes from my form. His eyes bore into mine and opened his mouth as to say something, but no words were coming out.

"I informed that you were not dead...yet," he stated while offering me a smirk right after his last word. My eyes widened in response and my heart started beating fast. I knew he was joking around because he had any intentions to kill me, he would have killed me by now. However, his words held some truth to it and I decided to not push it and let it go.

"That is not funny. I want to talk to them. I need to talk to them. I've been here holed up for God knows how long and-," my rambling was abruptly interrupted by a hand being placed on my mouth. I looked up at him in surprise and grabbed ahold of his hand to push it away. When his hand fell down, his hand accidentally grazed my chest area. I quickly looked down and gulped nervously, trying to avoid his gaze.

"Calm down. They know you are doing fine, Katherine. Per ora, devi mangiare,"  Nicolas replied after slowly walking out the room. I quickly followed after him when my stomach started growling after thinking about food. 

The food was the very delicious and I ate as if I hadn't eaten in forever. Nicolas stared at me amusedly after seeing how much food my stomach could intake; all I did was offer a shrug and continued stuffing my face. I let out a huge burp and covered my mouth while blushing profoundly. Nicolas let out a huge snort and raised his wine glass at me with a huge smirk. 

"Such a lady," he said with his thick accent after gulping down his drink. I rolled my eyes at him and chugged the wine bottle that was left unattended next to me. After a few moments of silence, I asked the big question to him. Liquid courage some might say.

"What am I doing here, Nicolas? Truly, what the hell am I even doing here?"

It seemed like he was taken aback by my tone and choice of words. They were laced with disgust and pure confusion. But in my defense, it didn't make sense at all as to what I was doing here. I never even met the man before, and whatever he was into, I have never been part of it. His stare was very harsh and hard to ignore, his green eyes made me feel so intimidated that I almost regretted what I said, but I still kept on going.

"You claim to be such an important man and are known to hate wasting time. Yet, here I am without a reason. Clearly I'm not here because you're attracted to me, owing to the fact that the first thing you said to me was that I was fat! So, tell me, Nicolas, why the hell am I here? And if you are such an important man, why waste so much time and money on me, honey, huh? Because apparently wasted time is wasted money, according to you anyway. Cat got your tongue?" I said while lifting an eyebrow and crossing my arms on my chest. His breathing started getting heavier and heavier, and I felt the room getting smaller the more he stared at me. 

"Shut. Up." I could hear the menace behind his words, but I didn't give a damn. There was no reason why I was holed up in here, throwing my life away by some stupid asshole who wanted me to be in jail for nothing. I stayed away from trouble because of this reason, but now I am truly living a nightmare!

"Say one more word, Katherine. I f*cking dare you," he threatened while putting his hand on my neck. I didn't even notice him standing up and getting close to me. His hold wasn't too harsh, but he sure was applying pressure to the point I started slowly gasping for air. I could swear his green eyes were almost red with anger, but I didn't care and started right back at him. Almost challenging him. 

"F*ck you, Nicolas." I closed my eyes to expect the worst. Hell, I was waiting for the sound of a gun to echo throughout the room. However, his lips crashing into mine were the last thing I had in mind. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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