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I love Matt and will always support him no matter what he says or does. Always have ever since I was thirteen and always will.

Now with that being said.. Am I the only one who sees his and Jessica's relationship as a bit off? I mean after you announce to your fans that you're dating someone wouldn't you put on your story that you're ya know with them. I mean Matt did it but, her story is just her and her friends... Also Matt always says that what really matters is someone's personality not that they're big on social media or how they look but, then he goes and dates a famous model. Now that being said I don't know her so I don't know how she is in person. But wouldn't you think it would be very hard to hide a relationship with another content creator/internet personnel? Like they obviously weren't very good at hiding it and they obviously weren't together all of the time since Matt snapchatted 24/7 except for today... When everyone found out and he was with her. Also where is her child? She has a seven year old son but on her snapchat story all she does is go out with her friends (from what I've seen). Don't you think that if you have a seven year old son that you'd I don't know.. Be with your son? Then I also realized that Matt just started following her yesterday

 Be with your son? Then I also realized that Matt just started following her yesterday

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.. After everyone found out.. Cause she tweeted about it.. I don't want to say that it's for publicity or anything but, that's how it's kind of looking to me. Like its just a coincidence that she happens to be really big in social media and so is he? And that he says that he doesn't care if the girl he dates or marries or whatever is famous or not.. But then goes and dates a model. Idk something just seems off to me and I can't put my finger on it. Like not only their relationship but, their approach to telling everyone they're in a relationship.. Idk tell me what you think and if you agree or disagree. No hate on them cause if Matt's honestly happy with her then I could care less what happens.

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