Chapter 4~ Out of the Loop

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It had been about two weeks since Dan fell asleep in Phil's lap and he was using every excuse in the book, to avoid having any contact with him. And of course, it wasn't working. Everyday Phil was talking, pestering, and some how 'accidentally' running into him. Dan wanted to tell him to shut up, but every time he looked at him, all he could think about was waking up face down in Phil's private area. Lucky him that no-one found them in that position.

"I mean honestly how can I face him after doing something as embarrassing as that. Not that I would want to face the annoying bastard anyway." Dan mumbles under his breath as he scrolls through his Instagram page, waiting for the bell to ring. Though it's not like he can do anything else, the only thing people were talking about was Cat's party. Most of the conversation he tried to enter always began with remember at Cat's party or when we were at cat's party and it's seriously pissed him off. It's been two weeks so why do people still talk about it?

"Fun being out of the loop huh?" a voice whispered lowly in his ear. Small shocks of pleasure pass through his spine. For some reason Dan couldn't hold back from responding.

"Go away." he whispers back harshly, hiding his faint blush. His ears were sensitive and he couldn't help it. Phil pouts while walking around to the front of Dan's desk.

"Aww don't be like that Bear, you ignore me for two weeks and that's the first thing you say?"

"Don't. Call. Me. That. And why does it matter if I ignore you or not." Phil raises an eyebrow at Dan's cold tone.

"So Troye can call you Kitten, but I can't call you Bear?" Dan chokes on his gum as Phil smirks.

"H-How do you know about that." All the toughness in his voice replaced with vulnerability.

"I think the questions you're looking for here is who doesn't know about that. It's hard to not be able to find out when everywhere you go, Troye is always stuck on you like a little leach, calling out your 'cute' nickname." Phil replies his eyes turning into a slight glare at the end. Dan's face was dark red. Did everyone seriously know or was Phil just pushing him? He was so embarrassed he lost all ability to speak. "What is it? Cat gotcha tongue? Get it? Because you can't talk to anyone cause you didn't go to the par--"

"Just get away from me." Dan tries to say in an intimidating tone, but fails miserably.

"You can't ignore me forever, we're probably the only two people who didn't go, and the next one isn't for weeks." Phil says while brining a chair up and sitting down.

"You ever think maybe I don't want to talk to anyone, before you brought your irritating ass over here?" Dan questions and for once in his life wishing for class to start faster.

"It's pretty obvious that you do and I am not irritating! Just persistent."

"I don't care what you are. Just stop interacting with me and go away." Phil takes a breath to retort but the bell rang cutting him off. Dan pulls a smug smile. "Bye-bye." Phil rolls his eyes at Dan for the first time as he gets out of his chair.

Dan sat in study hall doodling in his notebook. Next to him sat Troye, talking to a bunch a people about the "mysterious punch spiker" at Cat's party. He rolls his eyes and puts his ear buds in. He had heard this conversation three times already and was not about to add a fourth tally to his mind chart.

To be quite honest here, the reason Dan was annoyed wasn't because of the constant mentioning of a half month old party, but more of because Troye was basically ignoring him most of the day. Of course the sweet little mop head didn't mean to. It was too tempting of a topic to talk about. But Dan wasn't taking that as an excuse. Dan's music come to an abrupt halt as someone pulls his ear buds out. He shoots a nasty glare at the culprit, finding out that it was the one and only Phil Lester. He smiles while Dan's harsh haze doesn't falter.

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