Chapter one

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Maggie Collins

It's been a couple of years since I've last talked to jack. Yeah we still had texted and called each other. But it didn't feel the same. I've still been in love with him. But I know it couldn't work out. After all that's happened when we were together. I've just been a weight to his shoulders. I had to let him go even thou i know it hurt me and him too.

I started vine. To no surprise it grew. Before I knew it I had a YouTube channel to with about 2million subscribers. And was traveling. Had money to support myself. Had bought myself a beautiful house and a car. Life was good. I've earned it. But at nights I still get horrible nightmares about my past. After that I started getting more paranoia and more anxiety. I can't handle being around so many people. I know you would say but Maggie your famous you have fans all around you. Yes I know but I try to play it off but it ends up with me crying. I've tried to control it. By going to a doctor and my physiatrist.

I've started talking more about what happened in my past. Just to let people know there not alone. I don't want anyone to go through what I did. I don't want anyone to feel so left out and not speak out about it. It's made me strong. And now I'm getting so much better and happier all because I learned to live with my past. It's what's made me learn and made me become a wiser person. And I'm forever great full for being alive to experience all the good things that are happening to me after I thought everything was falling apart. Things get better. They do.

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