Chapter three

430 17 4

Maggie Collins

I stayed up all night trying to pack up my stuff. Kian did too. We FaceTimed all night as talked about what's the first thing we are gonna do in each city when we find out which ones we are going to. Eventually we both ended the call and fell asleep.

I ended up being so tired in the morning when I woke up. But I still got up to dress myself up. I took a warm shower and dressed myself up. Then put up my hair in a messy bun because I didn't feel the need to straighten it. I then called Kian who was the one who was gonna drive us all into the airport. The ride to the airport was at least one hour. So I plugged in my headphones and took a small nap.

I was awaken by Jc. Who had tapped my shoulder. I groaned and grabbed my stuff out of the trunk. We all gathered our stuff and made our way to find our flight. We had to go thru security to check our bags. And for sure we had to stop and see some fans. I took a picture with a few fans before we got onto the plane.

As I walked in to get to my seat. I put my bag where you usually place your bags. Luckily I got seats with Kian and Jc. Kian got the window seat , I got the middle and Jc was next to me. The flight to Toronto was about 8 hours from where we came from. I stood up to try and get my laptop and my headphones and maybe a blanket. I tried to be quiet because everyone in the plane was sleeping. And as I looked around I was him.


My heart dropped. As I saw him laying his head on a girls shoulder. I quickly go back to my seat and wake up Kian and Jc. They looked so mad at me.

Jack is in this plane ❞

❝ What ? ❞


❝Nah you're lying ❞

❝Stand up , pretend your getting something from your bag and look around. ❞

Just as I say that both Kian and Jc rose up. Walked to their bags and glanced around. Their face dropped as soon as they both realized I wasn't fucking around. They both quickly sat back next to me and gave the biggest " this isn't happening " look. I just sighed and put my head on Kian shoulder and tried to get some sleep.

I was awaken by Kian. Who said that in about 10 minutes we should be landing to out airport where we should meet up with the rest of the YouTuber going on the same tour with us. I sighed and rose up to get a granola bar from my bag because I was starving. As I did I saw both jacks looking and me including the girl who seemed pretty pissed that jack was staring at me because as soon as I started back she turned his head and kissed him.

That kinda made my heart drop. But I just let it slide. After all I was the one that broke things off. I was the one that just pushed him away. But because I was being selfish with myself. I just didn't wanna get hurt. And I didn't even bother to think of how he would've felt. Well at least he found someone. But I still don't know why she got mad at him like that. I mean she's got nothing to lose. It's not like I'm gonna try and steal him from her. I'm glad jack is happy. Even if it's not with me.

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