Phase2: Getting a New Mission(maybe)

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Heyo!!! Okay as you can see/read this chapter is dedicated to choc_coco. She was my first reader/ follower. Go check out her profile!!! Now. Or else I'll hunt you down. 0.o Jk,guys. =P 


“So, what’s up with you guys?” I asked as I sat down.

“Shhhh!!!” Dannie whispered shouted, shoving her finger against my lips, and went back to staring at her salad bowl,” I’m concentrating.”

“What’s up with her?” I ask Quinn, who just shrugged and continued eating her sandwich.

First of all, yes, I do have friends. It’s amazing right, the nerdy, good for nothing, Theodora Hale found living humanoids who share a mutual bond of friendly affection with her. I guess I should make some introductions.                       

 So first there’s Dannie, the perfect SoCal stereotype. She surfs, skateboards, play guitar, and has that really chill vibe going on. She’s got your typical perfect tan, beached waved blonde curls, and sea green eyes that really stand out in a crowd. Ironically, her power is invisibility, which she absolutely hates. Usually she wears a lot of bright colors (especially neon) and dyes strands of her hair random colors. And if you didn’t already guess from the description above, she is loud, bubbly, and pretty much the life of the party.  

Next we have Quinn. Quinn is the intelligent one of the group, not super intelligent (though sometimes I think she is) but intelligent enough to surpass a 4.0 GPA and make you feel stupid. She’s really down to earth and is good at listening to problems and giving advice. Quinn is one of those naturally pretty people with her bright green eyes framed by enviable long lashes, flawless porcelain skin, and dark brown hair outlining her angular face. This usually attracts the attention of many gentlemen callers(if you know what I mean *wink,wink*), which is when she usually uses her power, escape intuition, meaning she has a basic instinct that tells her how to get out of any situation whether its danger, an argument, or in many cases, boys. 

Then there’s me. Now, I’m not going to say that I’m the boring, ugly one of the group like most cliché teenage girls think they are because I’m not (though that I’m definitely not the most noticeable one either). I’ve come a long way from old Theodora. I have ditched the nerdy glasses, and let my once shoulder length hair grow to my lower back. Gone are the ugly hand me downs and Velcro sneakers, all replaced by agent uniforms and combat boots. And MOST importantly, my eyebrows which were once bushy and almost unibrow-like have since been tamed and are now distinct and finely arched thanks to a few lessons from Quinn, who had almost the exact same problem when she was younger. In other words, I completely grown out of my horrible awkward childhood and left it in the deep, dark corner of the past where it belongs.

Quinn and I watch in concern as Dannie makes constipated faces at her food, which seems to be attracting attention from many other people. Slowly, parts of the bowl begin to disappear, until all of it has completely dissolved into nothing.

“I did it,” Dannie murmured to herself,” I did it. I did it. I did it!”  She had reached shouting now,” Did you guys see that? I did it, I made the salad invisible!”

Dannie shook me and Quinn wildly and forcibly turned our heads to her tray,” Guys, look at my salad! Oh wait, you can’t, you know why? Because I turned it invisible!”  Before Dannie could start her horrifically embarrassing victory dance, the bowl suddenly appeared back on the tray, as if it never disappeared.

“Oh dang it,” she pouted, sitting back down and proceeding to eat her lunch.

“I thought that was really good, Dan,” Quinn said, trying to cheer her up,” That was pretty amazing, right Theo?”

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