Phase7: Funny little chats

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“Greetings, older sibling.” I say as I unlock the front door. Unsurprisingly, the living room is already messy, so I have to carefully make my way to the kitchen, where Nate is currently raiding the fridge.

“Move it,” he orders, as he stumbles his way across the room, “Genius on the verge of a groundbreaking discovery coming though"

“Oh yes, I had a wonderful day as well, and I am perfectly fine with you taking all the food and leaving me to starve. In fact, why don’t you take the stove while you’re at it? You’ll need it to cook that bacon.” I say, sarcastically.  

He mumbles some lame comeback about him already having a stove, and then walks briskly back into his nerd lair. Suddenly, I hear a crash, and Nate comes rushing up the stairs with a crazed look scrawled on his face.

“You went to school!” he shouts.

“I am aware of that.” I nod.

“What did you do?”

“Well, first I got there and I had to go to the office, but these freshmen kept asking the stupidest questions like, ‘Are you sure we can use the bathrooms here, ‘cuz I heard that some guys smoke and sell cocaine in there?’ so I was late, but then I-“

“Yeah, yeah” he interrupts, ”is there any part in your little story where you got in trouble and now I have to make a call to the principal, or the fire department or something?”

“Um, not really,” I say, grabbing a juice pouch from the pantry, “It’s kind of weird actually, nothing really happened. I mean, most people were kind of cool with me coming back and all.”

“Most people?” Nate questions.

“Well, obviously, I don’t know how everybody feels about my return. I’m not Georgia, god, Nate. I mean, it's high school. There's got to be some people who hate my guts for no reason, right?”

He stares at me with a fixed look. “Whatever you say, Theo. Oh, and Thorne called, so get back to him when you can.”

Then Nate leaves, leaving me to finish my juice in peace.


 Up in my room, which is still not very organized, I squeeze and shuffle my way through stacks of boxes, until I come across a particular one with my laptop in it and maneuver to the desk, where I start it up. As I wait for it to boot up, I consider doing the home work that was given. Nah. Instead, I start cleaning up and sorting out my stuff. As I’m hanging some clothes in my closet, my laptop beeps, alerting me of a video chat request from Dannie and Quinn. Quickly, I press accept and am met by their faces.

“Hey, hey girlies,” Dannie says with her signature greeting and cheeky smile.

I say a quick hello, and then go back to fixing up around the room while talking to them at the same time.

“So, how’d it go?” Quinn asks excitedly. Figures, she would be excited by something like, cringe, school. Like Nate, Quinn has never actually gone to school before. “Is it as amazing as it looks on social media? Were there cute popular jock people? And mean girls that hate pretty much everyone guts? Oh, and nerds that actually sing really well?”

“Maybe, kind of, and I’m not exactly sure on that last one.” I answer.

“You didn’t answer my first question.”

“Well,” I said sitting down. ”To be honest, it wasn’t that big of a deal. I mean, I got a few weird stares, but that was it.”

“Liar,” Dannie immediately accused and threw something at the camera,”We know you, Theo! And we can tell you’re not telling us everything. Right, Quinn?”

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