Phase4: Guilt trips, Motorcycles, and Starbucks

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“Dannie, get off of me!” I shout. Usually, my missions only take a few days, a week at most, much less a half a school year, so when I told my friends, they didn’t exactly take it well (well, it was mostly Dannie). “I can’t breathe.”

With teary eyes, she released her iron grip. “I’m sorry; I don’t really do well with goodbyes.”

“Yeah, we noticed,” Quinn said annoyed, pulling us into a group hug. Though we tried to ignore it, we all knew what could happen during a mission like this.

“I'll see you guys soon," with that, I waved and left, now heading for the main office. My brother was at the door, waiting for me.

“You’re late,” Nate said, a scowl etched on his face. One of my brother’s biggest pet peeves was tardiness. Much to his dismay, I was always late, like a lot.

I shrugged and we continued walking t-

"Are you serious?" a familiar adolescent voice exclaimed.  Georgia.

"I can't believe this. Theo, I'm used to. But Nate, really? You guys were going to leave without telling me."

Yes it's true, I have left and forgotten to tell my little sister about it. But it's not my fault, I... well,.... Okay, yeah so it is my fault.

"Hey, look, we're sorry Georgia, bu-," I explain.

"No, you're not." she says. Georgia has to ability to read people's emotions, which can be very unhelpful in situations like this.

"I'm sorry, kiddo, I thought they informed you about this or something," Nate tells her.

"So you were gonna let them inform me, then just take off?" she says making a face.

"Oh, god. Georgia!," I half-shout, "Please don't give us the look, we don't have time for a guilt trip." 

Whenever, my sister wants to make people (mainly my brother and I) feel guilty or wrong or stupid or any other sucky emotion, she'll give you this look. Her already big brown eyes will go bigger and her eyebrows slightly raise, as if expecting something from you, like a puppy from an ASPCA commercial. Yet her mouth draws into a firm line, disapproving mother style. Its the mother of all deathly looks.

"Okay, we're sorry, Georgia." I say, "Can you please stop so we can have an awkward sibling hug?"

That makes her smile a little, and with one eyeroll, she's in-between Nate and I in a weird sandwich of family love.      


 We say our goodbyes to Georgia, then continue our walk towards the office with plenty of bickering along the way.

"I can't believe you would just forget her like that."

"You almost forgot her too."

Out of nowhere( or I just wasn't paying attention), Thorne appears in front of us.  

“I think I forgot to tell Georgia that you were leaving,” Director said.

If it was socially acceptable to slap your boss, I would.

“Anyways,” he continued, as he led us outside,” for this mission, I have decided to supply you both with a vehicle of your choice.”  Simultaneously, my brother and I looked at each other. One of the few things we had in common was our love for cars, especially fast ones.

“Now,” Director said as he opened the door leading to the garage,” I know you kids love going fast, but I recommend going for something more-“ 

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