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There was a world that I used to remember. It was a world of light, where every creature lived in peace. There was a kingdom there named Luminos. The king,Garren, was nice and fair to all of his citizens. He had a daughter who he wishes to give his throne to when his time in that world is up. His daughter, hehe...She was a very rebellious child.But she is also the great protector of that world. Her name was...Rem.She had a long white hair with a streak of black in it. Her clothes doesn't seem to change from day to day either. She would always wear her travelling clothes no matter inside or outside her home. One day, she overheard about her father's plan to give the throne to her. Of course she hated the idea of ruling an entire kingdom. She doesn't want to be inside the castle all the times and take care of the citizens of Luminos. She would feel, imprisoned. Rem threw open the door to the king's room. He was surprised at Rem's sudden appearance. He got a feeling that she is upset because whenever she does, her hair glows. "What's wrong my child?" the king asked in confusion. Rem answered in a harsh voice,"I don't want to rule the kingdom! I'd rather have my soul taken by a Necrobeast than being a prisoner!". The king was surprised. He had never heard of anyone refusing to take the throne. Before he could say anything, Rem ran to her room and packed her things. She took everything she needed and went into the secret exit that she had made when she was little. She hesitated for a while, then she muttered "I hate you dad",and when inside the secret exit. It leads to the outskirt of town. From there she ran and ran into the forest until she got to the barrier. She had forgotten about it and cursed under her breath. Then she saw somethingin the distance. "It looks like a switch", she thought. She hurried over to the device. It was a giant device made from something off of this world. In the middke she saw what appears to be a sword's sheath. She held up her sword near the sheath and it started to react. "Maybe this is the way to break the barrier. She put it in and for a while...nothing happened. Rem was about to give up when suddenly, she heard a cracking sound coming from the wall. "Finally, I can get away from this place", she thought to herself in excitement. But her excitement was short lived, the barrier exploded and turned into a black void. From it appears a giant Necrobeast, a creature made of darkness. Usually she wouldn't be afraid of them, but this time, she was engulfed in fear. Rem was shocked at the creature's hideous form. By the time she got back her bravery, it was too late. The creature ate her soul. All she could see was darkness. She felt like she had been in there for eternity. Then, she heard a voice, calling her name. "You shall not die yet. I will save you, but you have to find a boy living in the world called Earth. The boy's name is, Ame," said the voice. Rem's soul suddenly flew out of the Necrobeast and disappeared into thin air. At first, she doesn't know what to do. She was confused. The voice spoke to her again, and she knew what to do, I knew what to do.

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