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The writer is going to skip until the end so...sorry about this.

The queen of the Blights appeared. She tells me to give her the swords I have."I don't have any swords. What is she talking about?", I thought to myself. Then I said, "What swords? I don't have any." "Don't play dumb you human. I'm talking about the Swords of Rem and Shadow that you have in you." said the queen. Rem and Shadow? But they are people too. Before I could ask the two what she is talking about, the queen flew towards me and dig her claw right into my chest. It was painful, like my soul is being ripped apart. I also heard Rem and Shadow screaming in pain.
The queen pulls out two orbs out of my chest. One is white and the other is black. Then the orbs transformed into swords. "Finally, I can take over the worlds of mortals! Hahahahahaha!", the queen laughed as if she had already won the war. My body felt weak, I tried to stand up and fight back. But al I can do is throw punches that doesnt even hurt her. "My,my. Still have some energy in you huh? Well I can fix that." Then she pushed me with immense strength until I hit my back against a crystal shard that she made. A shard when through my stomach but it wasn't lethal. She's letting me suffer before I die. All I could was scream my lungs out. The queen then lunges towards me. I closed my eyes and were ready to accept my fate. I heard a voice calling my name, it was a familiar voice. "Ame!" After that I heard the sound of someone getting stabbed. I opened my eyes and saw Andrea's body covered in blood. "What are you doing little girl? You think you can save his life?" said the queen while stepping on Andrea's head over and over again. Feelings of sorrow, anger, HATE, was building up inside of me. "Stop...." my voice started to change. "What? Stop this?" she stepped on her head until it was starting to bleed even more. "I....said....stoooooppp!!!!!!!!", then everything went dark.


When I wake up, everything around me had already crumbled or turned to dust. I looked around for my friends...but there was no one around. I stand up and walked around to find people. In the distance, I saw a body wrapped in a protective layer of light and darkness. I approached the body and the light and darkness dispersed. It was Andrea's body. I remembered what had happened. I cried. My tears dropped onto her face.  I put her down gently and went to find the others. I saw the queens body parts all over the place. Then I hear a voice, it was the queen's. " You...killed...them all..." No, that can't be. I killed everyone? I start to run around looking for them. But all I could see was scraps of their equipments lying on the ground. "!!!!!!" Then I saw two damaged swords on the ground. I grabbed them and memories of what had happened came flooding into me.I became a monster. I killed the queen. After that, I destroyed everything and everyone. "Don't cry, Ame. It wasn't your
fault..." "No! It was mine! I killed everyone!" "'s not...
you..." their voices are too faded to be heard now. "No, don't go!" I can't stop crying now. Now I'm all alone. I hate myself so much right now. A few hours later, the man from my dreams appeared. "You have made a terrible mistake my boy. You've unleashed the creature inside of you, and now everyone is killed."
Who is he? And how did he survive? "I'm giving you a chance to fix your mistake. Here, take this watch and go fix it." He handed me a watch of some sort. I looked at him, his head is actually a skull. His eyes are black with little orange pupil in his right eye and little blue pupil in his left eye. I took it from his hands and nodded. "I will fix all this!" "Then go my boy, go save the world," said the man. Looks like that watch is a time machine. Now I know what to do. "Hang on everyone, I'm coming," as I said that, my body teleported back to before the queen arrives.


Meanwhile back in the ruined future.

"Heheh, that's my son. Make your father proud."

The man disappeared and was never seen again.

"See, told ya it would end."
" Yeah, yeah you were right. But who exactly is that mysterious man? Ame's father?"
"Meh, maybe."
Well...we hopped you enjoyed the story. A special thanks from Ame, Rem, Shadow and Line, for reading this story. Please forgive us if any of the story's contents are incomplete.
"Hey, it's Line. Hi Line!"
"Bye Shadow. See you again because this is where..."
"We heard that before you know.
In the last chapter."

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