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The world of darkness. That's where I came from. Everyday is a living hell.The Necrobeasts here are sentient, which means they have their kingdom while the people of the old kingdom, die and became food to them. How I hated that. One day while I was infiltrating their castle to obtain some weapons, I stumbled upon the Grimoire. I never thought it existed until now. I opened and read the book. The writings were not of this world, but strangely I can read it. As I read I discovered something, something that can save the world from Necrobeasts. A chosen warrior with the prowess of no ordinary men, shall save the worlds. I stopped reading and continued my search. There was room guarded by at ten Necrobeast. Two of them are Screamers, I should get rid of them first. I got an orb of light with me. It was given to me by my mother, the once and former queen of the true kingdom of darkness. She gave it to me so I can protect myself from harm. Usually touching this thing would destroy anything dark, but my bloodline intertwined with the blood of the people of light the world of light. It still burns a little whenever I hold it in my hands. I rolled the orb to the middle of the hallway. It caught the Screamers attention. As it drew closer I activated the orb with the words that I had learned from my mother. "I summon thee, the warrior of light, rain down judgement unto thy enemies,". A figure started to appear and to my surprise, it took care of not just the Screamers, but the other Necrobeasts as well. It turned back into its spherical form and stopped shining. My mother said not to rely on it to much as it can only be used once every two weeks. I grabbed the orb and went into the room. Inside I found a pedestal with a sword on it. I took it and after a while, alarms started to sound. Guards were entering the room. "I should've saved the orb of light for this," I thought to myself. Its a good thing I got the orb of fire with me. I got it from my family's treasury. I threw it at the wall and a creature blasted a hole in the wall before turning back in an orb. I gtabbed the orb and jumped through the hole. I made my way into the woods and I stumbled into the barrier. The barrier, it can only be opened by putting the Swords of Rem and Shadow into a device's sheath. It's weird that the name of the sword is the same as mine. I saw the device to my right. The grounds started to shake, and a terrifying roar of a Necrobeast can be heard. I quickly hurried over to the device. I muttered to myself "It only has one sheath? What about the other one?" Through the barrier I can see a figure holding a sword. The other device must be on the other side. I inserted the sword into the sheath and so does the figure. The barrier did not open fast enough, and I felt teeths, digging right into my soul. And that is how I die,heh? Well, in the darkness, I heard a voice, telling me to find a boy. His name means rain in Japanese. And how do I know that you ask? Well that's for the "rain" to tell. Enough fourth wall breaking, let's get right into the story, shall we?

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