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Landon's POV

"Do you think they broke up, blondie?" I asked Aria as we were getting into bed.

Talking with Nicholas and his girlfriend was great at first, then it became awkward after Nicholas told her that he and Leah had a relationship.

Tess took it well, I'm guessing, and then she said she was 'getting tired' so they left an hour later. So I won't be surprised if they don't show up to our wedding.

"If she really loves him, she'll let it pass. Plus she saw that I was in love with you and we're getting married and hopefully it assures her that I'm no longer interested in her boyfriend."

"$100 bucks they split up." I said.

"I say they don't."

"It's on." I shook her hand and then we went to sleep."

Leah and I got up super early so we can get to work on time and not get in trouble again. It's a good thing we did because traffic was a bitch today.

"Meet me in my office for lunch." I gave a kiss to Leah before she went into her office. I went in my office and immediately got to work.

"Celine Vanderbilt is here to see you." An associate peeped their head inside my office.

Shit. I got up and went to see what she wanted. She was standing outside holding a big purse and was staring right at me.

"Landon! Hi!" She gave me a big smile.

"Hi, what do you need?" I stated.

"Wow, okay, right to the point. I just got done having a meeting with your dad and wanted to stop by and say hi to you before I leave." She smirked.

"Why did you have a meeting with my dad?" I crossed my arms.

"He needed my input on a case."

"Nice. I have to get back to work, is there anything else I can help you with?" I put my hands in my pockets.

"Are you and Leah still together?"

"Yes we are and she's going to be my wife pretty soon." Her facial expressions changed and not in a good way.

"Y-You're getting married?"

I nodded. "Celine, I really hope you'll find someone who loves you very much. You deserve it."

She looked down at her feet. "I don't really have time for that kind of stuff."

"Sure you do. Don't worry, you'll meet someone amazing."

"I'll see you some other time, Landon. My best wishes to you and Leah." She smiled.

"Thank you." I waved to her as she walked away.

"What did she want?" Leah appeared.

I chuckled. "Spying on me again?"

"Maybe. I'm serious, tell me what she wanted."

"She just gave me her best wishes on our marriage. She was helping my dad out with a case."

"Anything else?"

"Before that, she asked if me and you were still together. I obviously said yes and mentioned our engagement to her, so don't worry babe." I caressed her face.

"I love you." She grinned at pecked my lips quickly before going into her office.

I took advantage of the moment and went to talk to my dad.

"What do you need, son?" He looked at me and motioned for me to sit down.

"I wanted to talk to you about how many days Leah and I have for our honeymoon." I folded my hands on his desk.

He sighed. "I'm giving you up to a month."

Yes! I mentally screamed in my head.

"You're the best!" I went up to him and hugged him tightly.

"If you two aren't back within a month, you're both fired." He pointed his finger at me.

"Got it, boss." I stepped out of his office.

"Why are you in a good mood?" Jarett passed by with a pile of papers in his hands.

"Bro, I got a month for my honeymoon!" I excitedly whispered.

"No way?! Lucky bastard!" He shoved me slightly.

"I know!"

"He better give me a month for my honeymoon." Jarett said.

"You asked Nina to marry you?" I was shocked.

"No, not yet. I was planning to do it after your wedding. You think she's going to say yes?"

"Are you kidding me? She's head over heels for you!" I placed both my hands on his face to reassure him.

"I'm nervous. How should I ask her? Over dinner or at her house? Maybe on our anniversary?" He continued.

"I say on your anniversary. Make it special, though and she'll definitely say yes."

"You think?" He scratched his head.

"Yes dude!"

"This better work!" He hit my arm.

"What are you two so excited about?" Leah interrupted.

"N-nothing. Just talking about s-sports." Jarett said.

"Sports?" She looked at us oddly.

"Yea, sports. Anyways, I gotta get back to work. Catch you later." Jarett nodded his head and began to walk away.

"Same here. See you, sweetheart." I kissed her cheek and walked back to my office.

I finished signing papers and then Leah and I headed back home.

"I'm exhausted." I plopped down on the bed.

"I'm going to fix us dinner. I'll let you know when to come down." She pecked my cheek and left.

A smile formed on my face knowing she will finally become my wife.

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