11. Green Room

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-Sky POV-

I woke up the next morning really confused. How did I get back to the hotel?

"Look who's up."
I heard my sister tell me.

"Did you sleep well missy?" My sister looked at with a smirk on her face. Weird.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"
I asked her feeling a bit uncomfortable under her stare.

"No reason." Okkkkk she's totally not being super weird.

"Hey get ready we leave in like an hour to go down stairs."

Oh yeah I forgot PressPlay was today and we go in first.

My sister started heading towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked curiously

"You need to eat don't you?"

"Ohh yeah thanks"
I said as I gave her a sleepy smile.

"Get ready!!"she laughed and shut the door.

I opened my phone to see that I was added into a group chat with all the guys. Called ppboi's

From: Cody R.
Sky come down before PressPlay so we can hang.

From: Wes
Talked to David said it was ok as long as you left 5 minutes before the doors open.

You and your sister can eat down here with us before the show.

From: Jonah
We will head down in like 30 min. Get ready.

To: ppboi's
I'll head down. Getting ready I'll bring my sister she went out to get food for us.

I ended up texting my sister telling her to meet me down stairs in the ballroom so we could walk to the green room.

I got up and headed to the shower grabbing my clothes on the way there.

I turned my portable speaker on and played my Spotify play list.

I sang and danced around for about 5 minutes and than actually started showering.

I spent about 15 minute in the shower and getting dressed. My hair was not much of a hassle but my nose was killing me because I slept on it.

While I was changing the bandage for my nose I noticed the swelling had gone down but the colour was definitely there.

I didn't bother with make up that much because I usually wore it to make my skin look natural. Or clear some blemishes but right now I was pretty ok with how I looked. I checked the time to see I spent 25 min getting all ready so I had time to take the long way downstairs to explore.

I walked around a couple floors getting a couple weird looks from girls my age because of my nose.

I finally got to the ballroom and texted the group chat that I was their.

Hey I'm outside the ballroom.

A couple of seconds later the ballroom door opened and Dakota was standing holding the door open.

"Hey." Dakota said with a somewhat sleepy voice.

"You tired?" I chuckled seeing as I would probably be asleep as well if it weren't for PressPlay being today and so early it was only like 9 and the event started at 10 but they wanted to eat together so.

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