Ch. 7 SCORE!

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I finished showering and putting on clean clothes, I wore brown khakis shorts with a white half shirt and a nice pair of olive green stilettos.  Josh refused to look at me, who was quiet, immature. “Josh…” I started.

“Angel is waiting for you.” Josh snapped.

“Why are you mad at me?” I snapped back. “After all you came onto me! I didn’t come onto you.”

“Just go,” He said going to my room and locking it. I grabbed my keys and my phone on the table and left. Sometimes he could be a real asshole. I pulled into the mall and found Angel in the food court like she told me.

“Thanks for coming,” She greeted me in a hug. “I like your outfit.” She smiled. “If you are wondering how I found your number it was on facebook.” She flushed.

“Thanks, so… exactly what are we doing here?”

“Well M.J likes a lot of stuff, especially basketball.” God I hated boys who played basketball. “So something basketball related. Not shoes or a basketball.” Hmm.

“Let’s go to champs.” That was the sports store. “He’ll admire you compassion for something like champs.” So we did, Angel found him a shirt for the New York Nuggets. I don’t know if they were a good team or not, but he still would admire her for caring. After that she non-stopped talked about M.J; it was as if she was me, how I use to speak about thy-who-shall-not-be-named. I remember there was nothing in the fridge so Josh would be starving. Angel asked if I wanted to hang out again over the weekend, I accepted her offer and left. It wasn’t until I got to the grocery store where my face flustered. Brandon was my check-out boy.

“Hey sexy.” He smiled.

“How are you and your girlfriend?” I winked.

“Swell.” He winked.

“I’m guessing from the sex.” I joked.

“Ha-ha, good one.” He laughed. “So. What is this all for?” He asked. I had pasta, meat, chicken, casual dinner meals.

“Oh you know, cooking tonight.”

“Cooking for Josh?” He smirked.

“Vise-versa,” I laughed, “Don’t you cook for LeAnne?” I asked him making her name sound disgusting.

“You two seem to be like best friends.” He was almost done ringing up my stuff, so I threw in 2 bottles of soda and 6 kit-kats. He raised his eyebrows at me.

“You know, for desert.” My cheeks turned a little pink.

“Come over tomorrow?” He asked. “Let’s hang out just me and you.”

“No twin?” I asked.

“No Angel will be with her bitch boy; he’s coming back from his break.” He smiled.

“Alright, text me your address.” I smiled handing him my phone, he gave me back my phone and I gave him the total of cash I owed him.

“See you,” He said eyeing me leave. By the time I got back to the house Josh was watching TV. I loaded the groceries into the kitchen, grabs the spaghetti meat, spaghetti sauce, and spaghetti put it in a bag and dropped it on his lap.

“I’m starving.” I smiled at him.

“I. Don’t. Know. How. To. Cook.” He said through gritted teeth.

“Then starve bitch.” I smirked. He then got up and went straight to the kitchen. He started on the noodles. Poured water in a pot and almost dumped the noodles in there. “Oh my god no!” I screamed snatching the noodles. I grabbed some salt and poured it in the water and turned the water to high. “Don’t you at least know how to season the noodles?” I asked him.

“Seasoned? Why the hell would you season noodles? Where is the packet, like they have in ramen noodles?” Is this boy is kidding me?

“Move, just go sit down.” I said swatting him away. After preparing the food he smirked when I set it down in front of him.

“Wifey you didn’t have to.” He leaned to kiss me on the cheek, this time I was prepared and dodged it.

“Don’t think so,” I smirked I sat down across from him and we both started to eat.

“So what was so important about Angel needing you that distracted you and me?”

“She needed someone to help her shop.” I answered.

“Come on VM, you left me for that?” He asked with a grimace.

“Don’t start, you came out of nowhere and came onto me before I knew what was happening. Don’t you think its wrong doing that to a virgin?” I snapped. I forgot the words that slipped out of my mouth. He sat back and put his hands behind his back.

“A virgin huh?” He smirked.

“I’m just going by what you think, and don’t you have moral?” I asked.

“Morals? My word is as good as your sex life.” He smiled, “Non existence.”

“You’re an asshole you know that! I cook you dinner and you have no right to treat me like this.” I grabbed the food and went to the room. There was nothing I can do, act like a what? A slut, no, I wasn’t a slut, I was the bad girl. I needed to be the bad girl. But Josh was fucking it up with his fucking body and his fucking smirk and his fucking attitude. Scratch that, fucked up attitude. It wasn’t that I hated Josh, but I hated the idea he could get to me and so easily.

What did he want from me, to be easy? Sleazy? Get down and dirty. Do all his tricks? Go out with him, so what? So he can cheat on me? I had it with him, playing with my mind. If he wants to play this game, then I’ll play dirty too. I finished my spaghetti and grab a pair of the shortest soffes I owned and a tank top that showed most of my midriff and my chest. I ruffled my hair so it was nice and sexy looking. I brought my plate into the kitchen and walked in front of him. “Can I have a piece of gum?” I asked. He looked my body up and down and noticed my legs. He pulled out a piece of gum and handed it to me, I sat down right next to him and I realized the remote was on the other side of him. I got on top of him just to get to the remote.

“You have got to be kidding me.” He breathed. I raised an eyebrow. I then got off the couch and stood in front of him, as I leaned down making sure my ass was parallel to his face. “Ada come on!” He sighed. I remained in that position and flipping through channels. After I found one on HBO it stayed there. I pretended to drop the remote accidentally, so I proceeded to bend down further. “Nice tattoo.” My cheeks flushed. I forgot about it. “Tramp stamp, how does that work?” He laughed. I glared at him. “Damn, you’re so hot when you’re mad.” He smirked.

“I’m about to get so sexy.” I tried to punch him in his stomach but he grabbed my arm and brought me down to him. “Come here.” He kissed me hard and I can taste the mint from his gum on my lips. We continued this kissing for quite a while. His hands where traveling up my back and down to my lower back. He grabbed my ass bringing me closer to him and that was my queue, I quickly pulled at his lower lip and heard his soft grunt. I rolled on top of him which made us fall to the floor. I removed my shirt then stood up. “Not so soon.” I smirked walking to the room. Point, won!

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