Forgiving and forgetting

385 15 3

Rahul's P.O.V

It was noon and I was receiving a call, I carefully moved Maya off my chest and onto the gray blanket below us. I stood up to the sun shinning angrily through the window. I reach my phone to see 4 missed calls from Rhea, as I pick it up she calls again. I answer. She sounds worried and tells me she wants to see me and Maya in an half and hour. I agree and tell her to meet us at the Café. After hanging up the phone, I turn around and see Maya smiling at me. I smile back and walk to the bed. She asks why I left her, and I explained what happened. At first she does not want to go, but I soon convince her that everything will be okay. She gets ready quicker then me and we leave at about 12:20. We walk up to the café and see Rhea and Jay sitting at a table outside, Maya stops and grabs my hand then proceeding towards them. They stand up when they see us and surprisingly smile. I realize that someone was sitting behind them, but I couldn't tell who... I knew she was with them, for she was sitting in line right behind Jay.

End of P.O.V

Rhea- Thanks for coming, this means a lot.

Rahul- What's up, just the other day you literally hated me... Well us.

Rhea- Well-

Yasmine- Oh my god we went over this! Just get to the damn point!

Jay- The point of calling you guys here today is... Well... We-

Yasmine- Move out of the god damn way Jay, they called you here because they are sorry for freaking out on you guys the other day number one... And number two they feel cheated so they would like and apology to move on and forget what happened.

Rahul- Who are you?

Maya- Yasmine, she is Jay's sister.

Yasmine- Don't remind me.

Jay- Okay you got to the point so can we try to talk now?

Yasmine- I don't care.

Rhea- Forgive us, I don't know how we missed the signs.

Rahul- Forgiven.

Maya- I guess I can let it go

Jay- But we basically were cheated me and Rhea... And in a way we cheated you guys.

Maya- Can you forgive us for not telling you guys the truth?

Rahul- And can you forgive us enough to let it go and move on with our new lives?

Rhea- Yes.

Jay- I can live with that.

Yasmine- So it's all sorted then? Can I go?

Maya- Not before you give me a hug, it's been so long since I've seen you!

Yasmine- I know! You look great.

Maya- Thanks, so do you!

Yasmine- I always look good.

Maya- It's always a pleasure to see you...

Jay- Just leave Yasmine, we'll be home soon.

Yasmine- M'Kay, bye!

Rahul- She seems... Pleasant.

Jay- She just always gets to the point quick and always speaks her opinion.

Rahul- Nice.

Rhea- At least the air is cleared

Maya- Yeah

Jay- Are you guys excited for Naina and Rohit's wedding?

Maya- Very!

Rahul- I'm more excited for her baby!

Rhea- Why?

Maya- Apparently if the baby is a boy, Naina will name him Rahul.

Rhea- Oh my God

Jay- Nice

Rahul- I know right!

Maya- Rahul it's almost 2:00 and I have a meeting to go to... I'll see you at home.

Rahul- Want me to drop you?

Maya- I'll be fine, thanks for today guys! See you!

Jay, Rhea, Rahul- Bye!

Rahul- Love you!

Maya- I love you too.

Maya's P.O.V

As I entered the room, my heart started beating faster. I felt like I couldn't breathe, it was like the world stopped spinning and everything was still. I looked around and felt a shiver down my spine as I stared at the white walls surrounding me. As I heard my phone ringing, he entered the room with a smile. I stared, and couldn't smile back. I looked down at my phone and saw an incoming call from Rahul. I let it ring. Then it stopped. The man was tall and about my age , he started talking to me... But it sounded as if I was under water and suffocating. He told me he was ready if I was, I nodded my head and he led me into a new room. I changed and felt dizzy, I walked into the next room and laid down... He told me it would be over soon, and to just close my eyes. He just kept repeating over and over again... Everything will be fine... Everything will be fine... Everything... Will... Be... Fine...

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