The end...

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"Rahul!" Maya yelled. I walked into the living room and saw her sitting on the couch with Anjali. They were watching tv, but I noticed that my angel was falling asleep.
"Can you put her to bed?" Maya said giving me that look I couldn't say no to. I walked over and placed a kiss on Maya's lips and scooped up my sleepy angel. She wrapped her arms around me and yawned.
"Papa" she said as I placed her in her bed.
"Haan?" I said covering her with the covers.
"Goodnight." She said smiling and closing her eyes. I smiled and walked out of her room, I walked right into Maya who was smiling at me. I smiled at her and intwined our fingers together. We walked to the living room and put on a movie, she snuggled up in my arms and I felt her gaze on me throughout the movie. When the ending credits started rolling she sat up, I looked at her and she had a bored expression across her face.
"What?" I said as she turned off the tv and grabbed my hand.
"Shh." She said leading me to the bedroom. I followed behind her and she sauntered into the bedroom closing the door behind me and locking it.
"Maya..." I started and she turned around and placed a kiss on my lips. I couldn't resist her and my hands went down to her waist. She wrapped her hands around my neck and kissed me roughly. I slowly backed her up against the door and she hit it with a small thud. Her hands roamed around and through my hair. I slowly ran my hands up her waist and to her arms. I moved her arms off my hair and pinned them against the door. I used one hand to keep them pinned while I moved her hair. I kissed her neck and she giggled. I smiled and looked up at Maya who was trying to contain her laughter. She was ticklish and it was funny. I un pinned her hands and she snaked them around my neck I placed kisses up her neck to her jaw and then to her lips. I placed my hands on the hem of her shirt and lifted up. We broke the kiss and I threw her shirt across the room. She pulled my shirt over my head and threw it somewhere into the dark room. She took action before me and kissed me. Our skin touched and heat rose in my body. I hoisted her up and she wrapped her legs around me giggling at my move. I moved us slowly towards the bed and I laid her down. I placed my hand on each side of her and smiled down at her. She looked so beautiful, everything about her made me smile. She moved the stray piece of hair out of my face and smiled as I laid in her arms. I laid in her arms for a minute until she laid in mine. We snuggled up and I wrapped the blanket around us. She made small circles on my chest with her finger.
"What are you thinking?" I said placing my hand on hers.
"I love you." She said kissing my hand.
"And?" I said intwining our fingers together. She looked up and smiled at me.
"I'm pregnant." She said with a smile plastered across her face. I sat straight up and looked at her. I didn't realize my mouth made an O shape because she sat up and closed my mouth.
"Your... Your what?!" I said and a smile made its way to my mouth.
"8 weeks." She said placing her hand on her stomach and smiling. I couldn't contain my excitement and pounced a top her. She giggled as I placed kisses all over her face. I wrapped her up in my arms and settled down. She wrapped her arms around me and slowly drifted into sleep with a smile still on her face. Wow, I was going to have another kid! Anjali would have a sister or brother! I kept my grip on Maya as I closed my eyes.
I blinked my eyes open and saw my phone vibrating on my bed side table. I rubbed my eyes and grabbed the phone. The time showed 7:40 am, Rohit was calling. I answered and mumbled something into the phone.
"Dude, you excited for today?" He said excitedly down the phone.
"Today? What's today?" I said yawning.
"Um, your sisters wedding?" He said in an evil tone. I opened my eyes and leaped out of the bed.
"Yeah, dude I'm really excited... When are you guys picking me up?" I said as I tripped over my shoes.
"An hour, be ready!" He chuckled and hung up. Shit. What an awesome brother I am. I was so caught up in dream land that I forgot, today is my sisters wedding. From this day forward Priya will not only belong to me, but she will belong to Sameer.
Hey my lovely readers!!! I'm so sad to be writing this, but sadly Unbreakable Ties is over. This was the last chapter to this book. So as many of my In Our Lifetime readers know, I made the end of In Our Lifetime a Video!!! That's exactly what I did with Unbreakable Ties!!!!! I would love you guys to leave your feedback on the story and if you liked the ending or not🙈 I worked very hard on the video and worked even harder on writing the whole story. I'm really sad it's all coming to and end but sometimes it's hard to say goodbye... Thank you for reading, love you all!!!❤️🎉😊

The link for the finale video👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽❤️


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