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Damn! It was bright. I woke up in a standing position. It was weird, I felt strong and healthy. My head spun around as I heard voices behind me. I looked to where the voices were coming from and was shocked to see many kids, women, and men. I started to walk over to them but instead it felt like I was floating. Was I high? Nah! I giggled at my thoughts. As I got close to them a big man popped out of no where and smiled down at me. He was tall! I smiled back and he put his hand on my shoulders.
"Welcome! We where expecting you!" He said in a calm but friendly voice.
"If you don't mind me asking, where the heck am I" I replied back.
"Heaven." He said. And the smile wiped away from my face. I felt the color draining from my face. I finally looked down and I was wearing a white saree and my feet were non existent. I saw that I was "standing" on clouds and shrieked in surprise.
"Surprised aren't we?" He said with a chuckle.
"A little." I said trying to smile. "Who are you" I said.
"Well, I am the big man in the sky that people speak to, pray to, worship." He said smirking.
"God?" I said as my jaw dropped.
"Your one smart cookie!" He said with a chuckle.
"Why did you call me up so early?" I said with tears stinging my eyes.
"Everyone has asked that who is young like you, it was their time. I do not control death, I just keep the good people who have died safe with me." He said putting his hand on my shoulder and we started towards the crowd
"Also, there is someone who wants to meet you." He said and he motioned the people to move aside. The crowd spilt down the middle and at the end on the split I saw familiar faces. My parents.
"Maya!" My mom yelled out rushing towards me. With my dad following behind her.
"Ma!" I said racing towards her. We met in the middle and I hugged them. I felt tears exiting my eyes and she wiped them away. I took their blessings and hugged them again. I felt so happy for the first time since I died. I felt safe to be in heaven. I was ready to begin my next life as an angle in heaven.
After hugging my parents for a while I finally started to realize this was real, that I was in heaven.
"Mom, Dad, I have something I want to tell you guys." I said with excitement in my voice.
"What is it sweetie?" My dad said smiling.
"I'm married." I said smiling. My parents faces lit up.
"To who?" My mom said with excitement in her voice.
"He was from college," I said
"Go on." My dad said, he was eager to know who won his little girls heart.
"His name is Rahul, Rahul Khanna." I said. My mom and dad smiled at me and asked questions about him. Then my dad must've remembered something because he took me and my mom by the hand and headed towards God.
"God!" My dad yelled getting his attention.
"Yes Mr. Malhotra?" He said smiling down at my dad.
"I want to see my daughters husband please!" He said. Then I remembered the picture and note, suddenly they appeared in my hand. I tapped my dad on the shoulder and he spun around. I lifted the picture and showed him. Tears formed in his eyes seeing the picture and my mom cried seeing me and my husband looking happy. I let them read the note and they were in tears by the end of reading it. I laughed and turned my attention to God, he looked worried.
"What's wrong God?" I said with a clump in my throat.
"Rahul... He's not... Dealing with your death well." He said placing a hand on my shoulder.
"What do you mean." My mom said as fear crossed across all our faces.
"I can show you." He said. His hand swiped the air and the clouds disappeared from beneath us. The sight made my heart ache. Rahul was outraged and was smashing things in our house. I watched as he smashed everything in his path, suddenly he stopped at a picture of us.
"Rahul..." I said crying. He couldn't hear me but he dropped to the ground and broke down crying. I watched as he left our house with his suitcase and the picture.
"God... Can I see my house?" He made me somehow stand in my house. Everything was ruined and broken, I floated around the house. I floated to the bedroom and then to the closet, I took one look at my wall and started crying. He stabbed the list and scraped everything away. The knife laid on the floor with dry wall around it, I looked around the closet and saw his clothes gone. My heart dropped and I didn't know where he was. I didn't realize how long I was in our house because Naina, Rohit, Rhea, Jay, and Dev came busting into the house. Suddenly I was back in the clouds and starring at my parents. I fell into their arms and sobbed. I felt someone's big hand land on my shoulder, it was God.
"Maya, I know it doesn't look like it now... But things are going to get better." He said with a smile. I wiped my tears away and walked away from my parents and God. I just needed to breathe, I just needed to relax... I just needed my husband... I just needed Rahul... And he needed me.

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