Chapter 1

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What was life to Nazaki? It was boring. Completely boring. Nothing excited her. She wanted to be a kinouchi, so she could fight along side in the war. Her parents didn't want her to be a kinouchi. They thought she couldn't handle it. It wasn't because she was a girl either.
Nazaki lived at home, helping out her mother with house duties. They lived in Konoha. She loves the leaf village, to her it is home. But being 20 living with her mom, she still has restrictions that she hates very much. Nazaki is a very calm daughter, she is very quiet and shy. Not that much friends she can talk to.
Nazaki had noticed the food supply was running low and turned to her mother who was washing the dishes.
"I'm going out to get some food for the house."
Her mother looked over her shoulder at her beautiful daughter and just nodded her head.
"Be back before it gets dark"
"Okay mom"
Nazaki made her way through the door and began travelling her way down the Konoha village streets. Many people were outside today. Children playing, old people doing garden work, ninjas training in the training field. Just a normal day for Nazaki.
She went inside the food store with her money on her and went searching for her food. Distracted by faint cries on the next aisle, Nazaki went towards the cries to see a little girl not older than 7 sitting down crying. The little girl had black raven hair and a Uchiha Crest symbol. Nazaki eyes widen.
"A Uchiha.." She murmured to herself.
Nazaki looked at the little girl. She cleared her throat to get the girl attention
"Hello. What is your name?" Nazaki asks softly.
"Z-Zana" The girl look at her with her big almond shaped eyes.
"May I ask why you were crying? I can help you."
"I- i left my home chasing after a Butterfly"
Nazaki gave the girl a warm smile. She help the little girl stand and led her out the store.
"If im mistaken, you probably live in the Uchiha Compound?" Nazaki asks the little girl as she led her to the Uchiha Compound already knowing the answer.
A few minutes later they reach the doors to the Uchiha Compound. Nazaki looked down at Zana
"Will you be able to find your way home?"
Zana looked up at Nazaki smiling and gave Nazaki a hug.
"Yes! Thank you very much!" And with that the little girl Zana ran into the Uchiha Compound giving Nazaki a wave. She loved helping out other people. Especially kids.
Nazaki turned around, forgetting all about the food and decided to go to the Sarawak trees garden. That was her sacred place. To relax, think, sleep, and be alone.
She continued her way to the garden saying hi to random people here and there and say a lone figure sitting under a Sakura tree. She decided to give that person some company. As she approached the figure she could make out black long, untamed hair. And black casual ninja clothes. (A/N: Hard to explain xD) it appeared that the man was sleeping.
Not wanting to disturbed the man she turned around to find another spot.
"I know you're there." The man deep voice ranged out to Nazaki. She turned around and smiled at the man. He looked at her with a face of annoyance. She bowed to the man to show respect.
"I am terribly sorry that i woke you up. I thought you needed some company." She lightly waved at the man with the same smile. He grimaced at her.
"Why do you keep smiling?" He asked in annoyance. Nazaki smile wavered a bit as she looked down to the ground to admire the flowers. She decided to take a seat next to the mysterious man. Usually her mom would tell her to stay away from strangers, but this man seemed to attract her.
"Well.. i figured that life is short. Maybe people don't even have a chance to live their life they way they want to, or they are not able to live it to the fullest. So i decided that i am going to smile, to cover up the pain for other people." Nazaki had smiled and looked at the man who seemed to be lost in thought.
He smirked at looked at her.
"Or maybe you smile to hide your pain and true feelings."
Nazaki heart skipped a beat. Is that really how she felt? Was she in denial and didn't want to admit it? How could this man who she only met a few minutes ago read her like a book? She lightly laughed.
"Seems like you know me better than my self"
The man didn't say nothing as he stood up from his position and looked down at Nazaki.
"Its not that. Your eyes tell on you."
"Huh?" Nazaki stared up at him confused.
"What is your name?"
"Nazaki Jengi, what is your name?"
The man turned around not answering her and started walking out the garden. Nazaki stared at his fading figure, annoyed that she didnt get his name. Something about him that made her feel comfortable, free.

Nazaki walked through her house door, putting the food away that she had remembered to get on the way home. It was late at night around 10 as she went up stairs to her room laying on her bed.
She was still captivated by the man she had met earlier. She wondered if she would ever see him again. She wanted to see him again, to know his name... to get to know him. It was indeed, that mysterious man had caught Nazaki interest. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

His lost love *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now