Chapter 6

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It's been two weeks and Nazaki and Madara had established a daily routine. They meet at the ramen restaurant, walk to the training grounds, small talk here and there, she waits for him to finish training, he walks her back home after she finally gave him directions to her house, they say their goodbyes, and that was it.
Pretty harmless they seem to think but don't seem to notice that they are beginning to develop feelings for each other.
The two were now walking to her house after his training when her stomach began to grumble.
He glanced at her unnoticed
"Hehe.... I guess I'm a little hungry" she said embarrassed her hand reaching her stomach.
Madara didn't say anything, instead his hand reached for her wrist. Turning around he lead her away from the route to her house.
"Where are we going?"
He looked back at her
"You said you was hungry did you not?"
"U-uh... yea I did."
Dragging her along they reached a little food stand with a old lady selling street food.
Nazaki, mouth watering, glanced at the food.
"Oh my! They look so delicious!" She smiled and Madara bought a couple of dango sticks for her and a rice cake for hisself.
After buying the food they began walking back to Nazaki house.
"Ohhh! This is soo delicious!"
Madara looked down at her munching away on the dango sticks, he was staring at her but for some reason he just couldn't look away.
She was glowing, she was happy,
She's beautiful.
Madara looked away trying to retract his thoughts and feelings but knew it was too late.
Madara was walking back to his compound in deep thought. He was thinking of her and his plan he was now doubting about going through.
Damn it.
He stopped walking and looked up at the sky.
Should I go through with my plan?
Birds were flying across the sky and the clouds were moving very slowly and changing shape.
But I don't wanna leave her.
Madara felt something wet hit his nose and grimaced. It was starting to rain. But that didn't bother him as he continued on walking to his compound conflicted with his thoughts.
"Who was that young man?" Her mother kept questioning her ever since she stepped foot inside the house. Nazaki didn't noticed that her mother was peaking out the little window when her and Madara hugged and said their goodbyes.
"Madara." She said finally answering her.
her mother gasped and looked at her child like she was crazy.
"Who did you say he was?"
"Uchiha Madara?"
Nazaki didn't see what the big deal was and why she was looking at her like that.
"Child! Do you not know anything! You shouldn't be affiliating yourself with that Uchiha! Especially since you and Hashirama have a special relationship!"
She flinched upon hearing his name. It was starting to annoy her how everybody in the village started assuming her and Hashirama and now since she was hanging out with Madara people began gossiping about her and how she was a wench for messing with 2 men that's not too fond of each other.
"I don't see anything wrong with Madara." She said
Her mother shook her head
"That man is a bitter man and has been aiming for Hashirama ever since his clan betrayed him and voted to accept the alliance with the hidden leaf. He doesn't care about Konoha so what makes you think he cares about you? I don't recommend you seeing him...."
She walked up to her daughter and cupped her face with her hands.
"I just don't want to see my baby get hurt that's all." Her mother said smiling sadly at her.
"Mother Im not going to get hurt I can look after myself okay? So you don't have to worry." Nazaki assured her.
Her mother only looked at her with a weak smile,  gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked off into her room.
The next day Nazaki was in the kitchen preparing lunch for her and Madara. Smiling she decorated the bento boxes nice and neat thinking about him but her smile was wiped away when she thought about what her mother said.
He doesn't like Konoha? Does he like me?
She shook her head getting rid of unwanted thoughts.
Maybe I will ask him when I see him.
Her thoughts when interrupted by her mother coming in the kitchen.
"What are you doing?"
"Oh just making lunch for me and Madara." She answered confidently.
Her mother shook her head grabbing what she needed and started walking out the kitchen.
"Alright. Be safe."
Nazaki felt bad that her mother wasn't approving her meeting with Madara. But then once again she reminded herself that she was 20 and didn't need her mother constant approval.
Smiling she put the bento boxes in a cute bag and headed out the door on her way to meet with Madara.
It was the afternoon and the couple was walking down the street enjoying the sun warming their skin.
Madara had finished training early because according to him he wanted to take it light today but the real reason was he just wanted to spend more time with her.
He had noticed she was carrying a grey bag and looked at her with curiousity
"Why do you have that bag?"
"Hm?" Nazaki looked at him making his heart flutter
"Oh this?" She said lifting it up smiling at him
"It's our lunch, I made us sandwiches and rice cakes."
He only continued to stare at her as they kept walking making her self conscious.
Feeling his gaze on her she looked everywhere else except him and kept touching her ear with her other hand. Once again Madara noticed so he looked away
"Hn. We should find somewhere to sit then."
Walking another block or two they came across a open field with nobody occupying it.
The both of them sat down on the ground and Nazaki took out the food giving him his bento box and rice cakes.
While she was doing this he was staring at her a habit he seemed to pick up that he can't seem to stop. The sun was beaming down on her making her olive skin shine. Her striking green eyes and long silky black hair had him hypnotized.
Damn it. He thought
"Dig in! I made all this just for you!" She smiled at him making his chest warm
It was at this moment that Madara knew she was going to make it even more hard for him.
Walking back to his compound in the middle of the night after dropping Nazaki off at home he started to think about his plan. Tonight he has to meet with zetsu to talk more about the plan they had.
Madara sighed when he reached the basement of his home. Opening it he is greeted by zetsu
"Hello Madara." He greeted getting only a head nod for a response
Zetsu cleared his throats before continuing
"We need to talk over what you are going to do when you purposely lose to Hashirama to make sure everything will go correct."
Madara flinched
"About the plan"
Zetsu turned around to look through the book about the sage of sixth paths.
"I'm not going through with it anymore."
Zetsu stopped reading the book and turned his head to look at Madara
"What did you just say?"
"Im not doing this no more."
Zetsu put the book down and walked over to Madara looking him up and down
"The INFAMOUS Uchiha Madara!!!! Please enlighten me why Uchiha Madara is putting all this to a end?"
Madara only stared at Zetsu in silence. If looks could kill Zetsu would be 6ft under.
Zetsu chuckled looking at the ground
"I get it now..."
He looked back at Madara
"It's that girl is it not?"
Madara eyes showed a sign of shock before switching back to stone cold
"Ha! So it is! Who knew the cold hearted, powerful, killer Madara would fall for such a weak, weak human"
Madara balled his fist wanting to punch him in his face for insulting him
"You worked hard and came this far to just give it up? What ever happened to wanting world peace?, wanting to be in control, to be the ruler of everybody like you always wanted?"
Madara unclenched his fist looking down thinking hard
Is she worth giving up my dream?
"But a little worthless girl comes in your life and your just so willingly ready to give everything up? Your going to give up your dreams, goals, and way of life....for her?....she's  not even going to be alive by the time your plan is completed.... you need to rethink this."
Zetsu walked past Madara to the door
"I'll give you a day for your final decision."
And with that Zetsu left him to drown in his thoughts.
Madara fell to his knees with his hands clenching his head, closing his eyes he begin to think about everything that Zetsu said, his upcoming battle with  Hashirama, and the girl that can't seem to leave his mind.
A/N- wow updating 2 days in a row? im
Proud of myself!
But anyways Madara and Nazaki is starting to get closer but will it end just as quick as it started? (; stay tuned I might just upload another chapter tomorrow. ^.^

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