Day 1

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I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. It gets harder and harder every morning to leave my bed, but I have to. I threw the sheets that had once encased my body in a heavenly warmth to the side and landed my feet on the cold floor. School was about as good as it can't get which means that it still sucked ass. Not gonna lie though, there are some pretty hot guys there.

Most people view me as an outgoing party girl, which I am. I've got a life I'm thankful for. I'm a 16 year old girl in a nice house in a nice town with good grades. At this age there's nothing more to ask for.

I get ready and walk down the stairs. My outfit consists of white converse yoga pants and a sweatshirt. My wavy hair falls just past my breasts and my face has not a dot of makeup on it.

Nothing different.

Mom is in the kitchen making pancakes which I don't have time to eat. I grab my purse and keys and jog out the door.

I arrive at the school just before a rush of cars pull in. I quickly get my stuff together so I can avoid the rush of people. I make my way into the school and head to my locker. I grab my binder and trigonometry book and start to make my way to the class room to drop off my stuff.

I stop and talk to a few people along the way. Not to mention when I shared glances with Matthew as I walked the other direction.

Matthew is my best friends cousin and the only time I've ever seen him outside of school is downtown or when I'm at Ella's house (my bestfriend). Matthew is throwing a party tonight and I wasn't gonna think twice about going.

Ella had already beaten me to the class room and was talking to a girl named Charlotte. I sat down and waited for the seven hour hell to begin

~several hours later~
I walked out of the hell cage with my backpack on my shoulder. I quickly got into my car. I only had a few hours to get ready for a party. It would take me a lot less time if I didn't dance to music...

I walked into my house and quickly ran upstairs. I had already mentally picked out what I was going to wear in ap history. I mean do you really think I'm gonna listen to a 50 minute lecture about how I need to be on time? I walked into my closet and grabbed a tan skin tight dress and a pair of my most comfortable heels. This wasn't just a regular party it was Matthew Espinosa's party. Not gonna lie, his jawline looks heavenly and he's pretty handsome.

After a few hours of dancing and makeup I was ready to go. I grabbed my phone and car keys and walked out my front door. I figured my mom would be home around 2am, her usual time. Working as a nurse tires her. I don't know how she does it. My dad is currently on a 'business trip' I'm Jamaica, but it's more of a trip then business.

I step out of my car to see a long line of cars up and down the street. Music is blaring from a house not to far away and there are people standing on the front lawn.

This was Matthew Espinosa's house.

Granted I'd never really had a conversation with him, I still new a little bit about him. Lately he's been gaining followers on an app called vine and is becoming quite popular.

I walk into the house and look for Ella, who is conveniently standing by the beer cooler. I walk over to her and grab a beer from the icy mix

"This party seems pretty kick ass" she yells over the music.

"Your cousin can throw a killer party if you ask me" I say as I clink my beer with hers

We dance around for about a have an hour and associate with people who we'd never talk to at school. Who would've thought that the captain of the football team has never been kissed? Until tonight at least.

After about an hour of dancing and talking and two beers I needed a bathroom break. I walked up the stairs to where it wasn't so crowded I looked my way around until I had found a bathroom. The door opened and a younger girl I had seen a few times at football games ran out crying

"Wtf" I thought

As those words escape my mouth Matthew walks out of the bathroom.

"Laura calm down. I'm sorry okay" Matthew says as he runs down the stairs.

I stood their confused at what I had just seen. I quickly shifted my attention to going to the bathroom and walked in

~two hours later~
~Matthews POV~

Laura is a nice girl not gonna lie, but she will get very easily upset when I talk about any other girl. She's young and emotional. I've been dating her for two weeks, and let's just say it won't last another two. She spilt punch on her drink ( I wasn't gonna let a 14 year old drink my bear) and when I tried to help dry her off in the bathroom she accused me of just wanting to hook up with her.

I hate when people get the idea that I'm a fuckboy or something. Nobody knows this but I haven't even had my first kiss yet...


The party was starting to die down and there was only about 50 people left. There was one girl in particular. Her name is Taylor, she is nothing less then beautiful, but right now she is also what I like to call Mega Drunk.

"I swear I'm not drunk guys" she says in a slurred voice.

"Taylor just stay the night here" I say, worried that she'd drive home like this.

"I'll stay here if you stay here" she says winking at me.

"Come on Taylor let me take you up to the guest bedroom you need to sleep" I say.

"Fine" she says with a tiny hint of disappointment.

I asked her to walk up the stairs with me and she falls over a few times. I eventually grow impatient and just pick her up. She smiles at me as I carry her down the halls

"Thanks... macho man" she's says giggling.

I open the door as best as I can and lay her on the bed. I cover her up with a blanket and before I know it she has her hand on my cheek.

"I'm not gonna remember any of this tomorrow so I might as well do this now" she says as she pulls me down and kisses me.

She is a pretty good kisser considering how drunk she is. I pull away and stand there contemplating what to say. By the time I figure out what I'm going to say to her she's already asleep.

I close the door and join the rest of the party, but all I'm thinking about is Taylor's lips...

Okay so that was the first chapter... I know it has grammar errors and probably isn't all that good but i wanted to start a book

Tell me what I should do in the comments and let me know what you think😊💜

Insta @Jannia14

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