The Day after The First

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~Taylor's POV~

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed. I could tell it was Saturday and that the pounding in my head wasn't gonna stop. I looked around the room and made out that it was no room I'd ever been in before. The bad was in the corner facing the white door. On the opposite side of the bed there was a desk with a T shirt and some shorts, and my phone out right on top.

I got up and looked in the mirror right next to the bed. My makeup was smeared and my hair was a mess.

I got dressed in the slightly big clothes that had been set out for me, and looking back I probably should've been more worried about not knowing where I was, but the pounding in my head kept me from doing much thinking.

I slid out the door with my phone in hand and it hit me like a bullet.

I was still in Matthew's house.

What if he doesn't know I'm here, I thought. How awkward will this be?

I walked down the steps and smelled fresh bacon. I looked around the corner to see Matthew standing shirtless next to the stove.

I slowly stepped out and looking back probably looked insane.

"Hi Taylor" he said not even turning around

"How'd you know it was em" I said in a hushed voice.

"I heard you walking down the steps."

"Oh" I replied

"Do you want some eggs and bacon? I made extra?" He asked holding out the pan.

"Uh sure."

I sat down at the island and awkwardly stared around the house

"How come I slept here?" I asked.

"Well considering how drunk you were I figured I wasn't gonna be responsible for someone getting into a car accident so I let you sleep in the guest bedroom. I hope that's okay, and sorry about the clothes I just picked out what I could."

"No, no, it's fine. Thank you actually." I said

"No problem" he said as he walked over to me setting down a plate of food and some tea.

"I think the tea may help with your headache I'm not real sure though."

"Thank you" is all I could say

In my head I was screaming. I wonder if I had said anything to him last night that would've made things awkward.

"Matthew?" I asked


"Did I do anything yesterday that I will need to explain to someone on Monday or anything?"

"Nope" he said shaking his head as he lifted up his drink.

~Matthew's POV~

I looked over at Taylor as she stared at the table with her head in her hands. I do have to admit I was pretty pissed that she stayed over last night. Laura freaked out and thought I was hooking up with her, and Ella had to calm her down.

Taylor was my first kiss, and I don't want her to know that. I feel like she'd be upset or disappointed. Plus I can't like her. She just isn't my type.

Listen. I know I sound like a douche but she's just hot. At this point I know nothing about her, except that she's got some nice hips and lips.

~ Taylor's POV~

I pulled into the driveway of my house just as the snow started to fall. I grabbed my clothes from last night and closed the door.

I quickly ran to my front step and grabbed my keys. It probably would've been faster to go in through the garage door but I figured it would be louder then just using my key to get in.

I walked inside and felt the warm air engulf me into the home. It smelled like breakfast had been made.

"Honey is that you?" My mom called from the kitchen.

"Yeah hi mom" I yelled.

"Do you want pancakes?"

"I already ate mom but thanks for the offer" I said as I jogged up the stairs. I hadn't even checked my phone which was blowing up.

There was seven missed calls from Ella and a text from my other friend Sam.

I reassured both of them that I was fine and went scrolling through social media

Whitney Landry
"So I'm guessing that My ex (not to be named) hooked up with a blonde haired tramp last night"

Of course that had to be the first thinking I saw on Twitter.

Whitney Landry is Matthews ex. They dated from seventh grade all the way to sophomore year. Matthew broke up with her when she cheated on him with a guy named Derek. He has never actually talked directly face to face but has shoved me in the hallways.

I'm usually surprised to not hear him call me a bitch when I walk past him.

Him and Whitney have been awful towards me the past year, I don't say anything because I feel like it would only get worse.

I get snapped out of my thoughts and keep scrolling.

Derek Johnson
" wonder how the dog got out of her kennel"

I roll my eyes trying to push off the negativity and shut down my phone

I stand up and lift up my shirt my stomach has scars from when I thought that letting my feelings out on myself worked.

I hate those scars. They've made it hard for me to be truly happy. Things haven't gotten easier. They've gotten worse and I'm not saying I'm going to end it. I just need to grow thicker skin and move one.

I hear pans rattling downstairs and decide to go check it out

I take the steps two at a time like I always do. I round the staircase and walk down to the kitchen

I basically freeze like a deer in headlights. All I see are my moms limp legs behind the island. I quickly run to the other side to see her passed out on the floor.

As I break down crying and frantically look for help all I can think is

It's just from over working
She's just tired

Those thoughts played in my head when I dialed 911, when ambulance arrived, and when dad came speeding home...

Okay so that was the second chapter keep commenting and voting
I always live the feedback

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