an actual rant?!1!??1?1?11!?1

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Music has had a really massive impact on me, and exploring different genres is a fun part of it too. It's interesting to hear what other artists have to say.

The only music I'm not that into are these kinds:

"For all my Southside niggas that know me best
I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex
Why? I made that bitch famous
God damn
I made that bitch famous
For all the girls that got dick from Kanye West
If you see 'em in the streets give 'em Kanye's bests
Why? They mad they ain't famous
God damn
They mad they're still nameless
(Talk that talk man)
Her man in the store tryna try his best
But he just can't seem to get Kanye fresh
But we still hood famous
God damn
Yeah we still hood famous"

um yeah no


While some songs might literally just say "ass tits drugs" on repeat for five minutes, I still respect the artist. Because they put time and effort into creating a sound they enjoy and talking about something they're passionate about.

So I don't really see how anyone could say a song is bad.

It's perfectly alright to dislike a song, but if someone interpreted their emotions into words and rythym, how can you say that it is a "bad song"? If someone spoke from their heart and opened up about their thoughts, then how can you say that it's a "bad song"?

Respect artists for being brave enough to publish their sounds.

And as for people who trash genres of music they're not into?

Music isn't about picking sides. It's about celebrating the sounds you love.

In the wise words of Gerard Way, if you disrespect musical artists just because you didn't like a song, get your bad vibes out of my cornflakes. I'm not interested.

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