the thugs only daughter

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I can't believe I walked into a robbery about to take place. Its as if my life just took a complete 360 in one hour. I'm about to die when my life is just about to start. I think to myself as I watch the robber run to the door and see that the police are surrounding the store.

You see I lived a completely normal life of any girl who lived in the Bronx. Up until the day my dad went to jail. For the second time.

My uncle Randy, cousin Trina, my dad and I just finished shopping on 125 street in Harlem. We was about to pick up my aunt Toya from the airport. But I had to go to the bathroom so we stopped at McDonald's. By the time I came back Trina was gone and my uncle and dad was arguing. But suddenly stopped when they saw me.

Come on DJ lets go my father yelled to me as he started to walk away. I knew he was upset. where are we going? What happened to Trina? I thought we was going to pick up aunt Toya I questioned. Ronald sent Trina home so he can get Toya.

While i take you home. What happened I thought we was going together and why I gotta go home? I'm taking you home because I'm p.o officer called saying I betta turn myself in since I missed a few meetings. So I'm taking you home and I'm going to say goodbye to your mother and brothers he said before taking a drank from flask. Shocked all I could do was shake my head and get into the car.

When we got home I was completely quiet. I just listened as my dad told my mother and brothers what exactly was happening. Before he left he gave everybody hugs and kisses. But he stopped infront of me and gave me his diamond chain. That had the letter J in red and black diamonds. DJ my baby girl be strong for me. It won't be long before I see you again. This is from me to you for your birthday next Saturday. And do good in school he said before giving another big hug. Then he saw the tears in swelling in my eyes. Its ok baby girl everything is goin to be ok he said wiping the falling tears. He kissed my forehead and walked out the door. Back to jail.

the thugs only daughterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें