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"This pizza is so much better than the pizza in Staten Island You sh—" I halted as I took another bite of the pizza "Wait why aren't you eating any?"

"Because I hate tomatoes."

"Is that like a Canadian thing." I joked

"No it's just my thing." He laughed

"Well I on the other hand love tomatoes."

Shawn scrunched his face up at me "Whatever, are you ready to try a dare?"

"No not really." I said as I placed my pizza down and wiped the corner of my mouth "But I have to face my fears someday right."

"Right." Shawn pushed his phone over in my direction and I read the dare

"Steal a strangers drink—$600."

"I can't do this one."

"Let me see what's it say?" I turned the phone around so Shawn could read the text and he laughed

"That's an easy one Nova!"

"Maybe for you."

"Distraction is the key go get that boy over there he probably wouldn't even notice."

I turned to where Shawn was pointing a young boy sat in the booth obnoxiously turning his phone in the air

he was obviously playing some sort of video game

Shawn was right

he wouldn't notice

"Okay fine I'll do it." I hit the accept dare button and the words  'sorry you cannot start this dare until you've successfully completed your last one.' filled up the screen

my eyebrows furrowed together as I tapped into shawns dare catalog

he had approximately five minutes left on his current dare

the one in which read

"String her along. Take her to the city and buy her a slice of pizza—$5000"

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