The Ghost of the Graveyard

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"Have you heard about Sheila?" asked Jeremy. "What about her?" Dan asked. "Well, she said that she encountered a ghost last night in her family graveyard." said Jeremy. "Her parents got very scared. She and her parents stayed at their grandparent's house. I think she is joking." "Isn't her family graveyard behind her house?" asking Dan. "It is. But, it glows green at night and seems harmless in the day."
Sheila Johnson didn't believe in ghosts. She knows that spirits are people or anything living that past away. She didn't know they could come back and haunt people. She never realised that some ghost would ever haunt her. She known what would happen right when the boys said she was bluffing and that they would spend the night in the graveyard. She had told them they would learn that she is not bluffing. Of course, they will still do it.
Dan and Jeremy arrived at the graveyard and they knew if they don't go to sleep fast it will be a long night. They set up their sleeping bags next to each other. Jeremy drifted off to sleep. Dan didn't drift off to sleep. He lay there scared wondering if the ghost is real. As he is laying there, Jeremy disappears right next to him. Dan freaks out. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" he screams. Now his sleeping bag is disappearing. Dan gets out of it and starts running as fast as he can. The last thing he saw was the ghost. The ghost was an Indian with a bow and a tomahawk. The Indian threw his tomahawk. Dan disappeared when it had hit him.
The next day at school, Sheila wonders what happened to the boys. She knew they went to the graveyard but, she didn't think they stayed there long. The next day she went to the place her house was. She noticed that the graveyard and the house was gone. She never knew what happened to the boys nor did Dan's or Jeremy's parents.

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