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hello wonderful kids

i dont know if i wanna stay anonymous lmao, but here i go!!1!

I seriously love all of you, and I feel really horrible because I'm not the best at keeping in contact with people. I'm pretty sure some of you think I hate you, I really don't. I usually just see what you say or something and go back to whatever I was doing. Lmao (( i promise i dONT IGNORE YALL ON PURPOSE I YOU)

But in all honesty, I'm just kind of constantly stressed and never in a good enough mood to fully talk. So if I don't answer right away or at all, just like spam me or some shit and yell at me for being such an ass.

You guys are able to make me really happy in a bad time, and I always have bad tiem sobb.

I give you full permission to yell at me/spam me/call me frequently/or like ignore me back and i'd probably message you immediately lmao. bc wattpad family is still family, even if not all of us are in the chat, right?

uh do i post this lmao


lmao nah if you discover this and feel like posting it go ahead

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