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do you think at three in the morning the sun and mercury whisper secrets to each other?

they are the closest after all.

just like us.

do you think they've grown to become best friends?

just like us.

do you think when one becomes preoccupied with their hectic lives,

the other is patiently waiting for their return?

just like us.

do you think mercury ever becomes breathless with how fast it orbits the sun?

just like us.

although the sun is not mercury's world,

just it's companion, without each other it'd be chaos.

just like us.

do you think the sun has ever told mercury, i love you?

do you think mercury has ever told the sun, i love you?

ha. we have.

James, The GalaxyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin