Ch 12 i'm having sex with my best friends boyfriend!!!

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ok this is the next chapter of i'm having sex with my best friend's boyfriend!!!

Chapter 12

.:Victoria's Pov:.

I woke up with a smile on my face. We had sex four times, the first time was raw lust, passion, the second was rough but still great, the third was gentle, full of love the last was lust and gentleness. I got up on my elbow and kiss Jared's bare shoulder.

He open his eyes and gave me a sleepy smile and I don't think I have ever seen anyone looking so adorable.

"Hey sleeping beauty" I said

"Ha ha, when did you wake up"

Before I could answer my lips was sealed by his lips, this kiss wasn't the kind we usually have; which was raw, lust mixture of confusion, anger but this kiss was gentle and full of love that took my breath away. Suddenly he pulled away, I gave him a question look, he quickly looked away a light pink blush formed. I took my right hand and place it on his cheek.

"Hey what's wrong?" when he didn't answer I thought the worst. "D-do you regret what we did?" his eyes instantly shot up.

"No never, it's what I always wanted, it's just that well I saw you with this guy at the park yesterday and I was wondering if he was you're boyfriend?"

Instead of answering him I crack up laughing. He looked at me with a puzzle expression.

-----Flash back----

There's something important I need to tell you.

"Ok what is it, you can tell me"

Nathan looked down.

"I'm getting a surgery"

"Omg what's wrong, what kind of surgery?" I ask panicked

"There's nothing wrong with my body........ I'm getting a sex change, i--- I want to be a girl."

When we were little Nate whenever he came over to my house, he would wear my cloths, but thought nothing of it because he was one of the hottest guys at our school and he went out with heaps of girls.

When I looked up he looked so worried by my reaction, so I took his hands and give it a little squeeze.

"I always knew you were a girl that was trapped in a guys body"

When he looked at me he gave me a giant huge when we broke apart he looked at me with such relief and joy.

------- End of flashback-------

When I told him, Jared started to laugh with me.

Then it hit me.

"I-is it why"


"Is it why you drank so much alcohol last night?"

He looked a bit embarrassed.

"I know I had no right but I couldn't handle the thought of you having a boyfriend."

Before I could say anything he out his hands up, telling me not to talk.

"Please let me finish"

I nodded

"and that's why, I'm going to brake up with Jane"

well what did you think???

I'm sleeping with my best friends boyfriend!!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora