Ch 13 i'm having sex with my best friends boyfriend!!!

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Chapter 13

.:Victoria's Pov:.

I was in my room lying on my bed with soft silk sheets wrapped around me, I couldn't stop smiling, I knew I should feel bad for Jane-which I do but broken hearts heal in time.

Jared told me he was going to dump her tonight at 9pm and right now was 6pm, only 3 more hours, my phone suddenly rang I looked at the caller ID.

"Hey Jane what's up?"

"Victoria I need your help, please come to my house now!!!"

"Ok I'm on my way now"

After I hang up I went into my closest and took out dark blue skinny jeans and a tight red tank top. I went into my car and headed towards Jane's house, wondering what could she possibly want to talk about.

When I arrived I knock on the door thinking it would be Jane but was surprise to see her brother Danny.

"Oh hey kiddo" Danny said

"Hey...." I said a little breathless god I know Jared hot and I'm really into him maybe even falling in love but my GOD Danny looked so hot right now it's turning me on, he was only wearing shorts and I could see his perfect 8pack. I wasn't the only one that was turn on by what I saw I could see his penis liked what he saw, it was hard and long---- just the way I like it.

"Jane's in her room" he said it while making room for me to get pass him. When I did my arm touch his arm and felt the heat of his body----hmm wonder what it would be like waking up next to him with his arm around me. Ok so I'm starting to talk like such a slut, just because I'm thinking dirty doesn't mean I'm going to act on it.

I went into Jane's bedroom only it didn't look like her room more like the mall on cloths sale. I couldn't even see the floor.

"Um-- Jane" I called out,

"Oh hey V I need your help"

She said it breathless wile coming out of her closest and standing right infront of me.

"Sure what's up?"

"Well Jared told me he wanted to see me tonight at 9 to have dinner, and he sounded so serious and well, I'm going to tell him" she squeaked

"Tell him what"

"That I love him"

Her words shock me, l-love him, I thought this was just a little crush.

"Y-you love him--Jared"

"Yeah I do, I know we been dating only for a while but well he isn't like any guy I've meet before and well I never felt this way too and he never pressured me about wanting to have sex and well I think his the won"

"Omg that's great I'm so happy for you" I said hugging her smiling but on the inside I was breaking.

After I help her choose an outfit for tonight, I went in my car and instead of going to my house I went to Jared's.

.;Jared's Pov;

I was kinda nervous about breaking up with Jane--- sure I don't love her but I DO care for her-she's a sweet girl. The door rang I was surprise it's only 8pm another hour till the dinner date. When I open the door I was shocked to see Victoria crying.

"Baby what's wrong" I said while trying to pull her into a huge but she stepped back while shaking her head in a no and said the words that broke my heart once again.

"W-we can't be together Jared"

"W-what why" I ask trying to keep the anger out of my voice

"Because Jane is in love with you, and I can't do that to her, having sex with you is one thing but making you dump her WHILE she in LOVE with you is another"

And with that she turn around and ran out the door before I could say anything.

well you like it??????????


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