❤️I Read About......❤️

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I read about a girl who fights every hour.
Who holds her strength just like a dying flower.
I read bout the boy who cry's himself to sleep.
Cause he was never the one the foster family wanted to keep.

I read about the girl who starves herself.
Not for attention, only to look pretty for the wealth,
Of the popularity that most kids die to be.
Not because their greedy, you see.

I read about the dog who died 3 weeks ago.
But little do you know.
He felt worthless, and wishing to be more.
So he laid helplessly on the cold cement floor.

I read about the girl who wears torn clothes; but holds a pink bow.
But little do you know.
She works harder then you to support her mothers condition.
As her mother is too sick, so she doesn't fit in.

I read about the girl/boy who's reading this poem.
Hopefully thinking to never judge people looks.
Don't judge people by what they do,
Cause you've never been in there shoes.

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