Chapter 18

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                Thank you for those who commented and voted~ I hope the number rises but for now I will be grateful to the little votes and cute comments I have received so far~



Yanagi’s Point of View

“Yanagi. . . you need to get up now.”

                Groaning tiredly I ended up rolling over in a very comfortable mattress, burying my nose in the hundred dollar pillows. How does he expect me to get up when his bed is like this?  “Kiyotaka Yanagi, you need to get up.” he said once more, this time his voice more firm. “Leave me alone Shizue Ren.” I growled pulling the warm covers around me. “You are going to be late for school.” He huffed and I smiled. I could almost imagine the pout he had on his face with my stubbornness. If I wasn’t so tired I would open my eyes and have a look for myself but his bed just happens to be the best thing in the world.

                “Screw school.” I mumbled finally peeling my eyes open seeing he wouldn’t be letting me sleep anytime soon. “You can’t have that kind of attitude.” He frowned, his brows furrowing. “I can, I am practically the best student. . . I was the best student until you popped up. . .”I said frowning. I had been top of the school every year since grade 4 but he decided to show up and get perfects and extra credit. “I’m sorry but this  material comes naturally to me, I don’t have to study.” He pouted almost angry that he was doing better than I was. I smiled at his childishness and reached out to stroke his hair. It was a soft as it looked, the scent of mint flowed off of him bringing a comfort I didn’t know I was missing.

                “So are you seriously skipping school?” He questioned, pulling his legs in next to his side. “ I don’t see why we can’t, we are always there and there is nothing wrong with switching the schedule up.” I retorted sitting up. I regretted it already missing the way the mattress cradled me as if I was special. “You will be seeing me over here a lot more often why didn’t you tell me you had a mattress like this?” I puffed, smiling up at him.

                “You have changed a bit you know.” He said airily. This confused me, he always managed to say things that had my head thinking. “What do you mean?” I asked stupidly regretting the question a few moments after the words left my mouth. “Didn’t you hate life. . . saying it was boring?”

                I choked at this. “I never said I hated life, I just said it was boring and redundant.” I pouted, frowning  further as he laughed at me. “Yah what’s so funny!”Aish why is he doing this to me so early in the morning?

                “Noting, sorry I did that to you. Since you don’t want to go to school why don’t we go on another date.” He suggested. This caught me off guard a bit. It had been a while since we had been on a date we started dating what 2 weeks ago. Ironic I’m already sleeping in his bed. .. boy do we move fast. “Where would we go?” I asked curiously pulling a pillow to my chest. “Well we went to a noodle shop last time why don’t we get icecream?” I shook my head at this. “It is too cold, Spring is taking its time.” I mumbled in reply. He nodded in agreement. “Why don’t we go to an amusement park?”  An amusement park sounded fun. . . I hadn’t been to one in years. “That sounds like fun.” I smiled. “Okay well. . . is Saeko skipping school with us?” He chuckled getting up off the edge of the bed and stretching his long legs. It was nice of him to think of Saeko but it was a date. . . I didn’t want my best friend crashing.

                “Can it just be us?” I asked, a blush tinting my cheeks. He smiled nodding in agreement. “Let’s get breakfast first!” I yelped happily jumping from the bed, my foot getting caught in the bed sheets. I let out a surprised yelp, my arms going out in front of me preparing for the impact of the hard wood floors. The impact however never came, a strong arm laced itself around my waist. I blinked a few times. . . once. . . twice. . . maybe three times before I realized what was going on.

                “You have to be careful.” He lectured, ruffling my already messy hair. “I know I know sorry mom.” I grumbled back shaking the sheet from my ankle. “You really do what if I wasn’t here you could have died.” He frowned, the eleven in between his brows becoming more prominent. “I wouldn’t have died from tripping out of bed, people do it very often.” I chuckled. “You are wrong, many people die every year from common accidents. What would have happened if you hit your head and had a concussion? You wouldn’t have realized or worried about it because it was only a ‘little bump’ but then you could have been dead. I can’t have that you have to be careful, I care for you.”

                I was stunned silent. Why the hell does he think so hard about the littlest things? “Don’t worry so much, I am more durable than you think.” I chuckled pulling him through his loft and down one set of stairs to his kitchen and dining room, overlooking the spacious living room.  “Humans aren’t durable at all, they are very delicate and fragile. You do realized that if you are bitten by a snake or a mosquito transfers yellow fever to you that you could die? Humans are exposed to dangers everyday it is a miracle every day a human lives.” He continued. Jesus if you continue like this I’ll start calling you the safety preacher. “If I promise to be careful will this conversation be over?” I asked hopefully. “yes.” He replied shortly a sly smirk crossing his features. “Then I promise I will take care of myself, and I don’t have to worry as much as normal humans because I have you to take care of me.” He smiled at me, his red eyes twinkling with happiness.

                “Come on let’s eat, we have to get ready for the amusement park they open at 9:30 and it’s already going on 7:40 I want to make the most of this day.” I nodded, sitting on one of his island stools. “Hey Ren?”

“where do you keep your blood?”

“You are always like this aren’t you?”
“Only sometimes.” I chuckled happily munching on the pancake he had placed in front of me.

Okay this chapter was a bit weak, more of a filler than anything but it was needed for the next chapter.





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