Chapter 20

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                Short but sweet, sorry I haven’t been updating I have had hectic schedule lately, thank you for being patient and sticking with me through the long period of hiatus.




Yanagi’s point of view


                “Yanagi are you paying attention?” Kamiya’s voice flittered into my already clouded thoughts. This whole week had been horrible, ever since Ren and I’s encounter I can’t help but think of him in …. ---non innocent ways. I notice how he smells of intoxicating mint, his massive height that could swallow me whole, the warmth that radiates off of his body like rays from the sun that only drew me closer but all of this couldn’t add up to the feelings of want I had for him. My body craved and desired for his touch and it wanted him to do so much more, it wanted him to control me completely, I couldn’t handle these feelings, until now I had never experienced feelings like longing or even desire, my life had been so painfully boring but now I find myself wanting to be with him every day and these feelings scared me. Just a single person… or vampire rather had my emotions all mixed and stirred within myself. I just couldn’t handle it anymore… so for the past week I have been avoiding Ren. It wasn’t intense, I still answered his calls, I even walked in the halls with him casually talking to him about lunch but I refused to go on dates with him, to touch him, to let him touch me and I refused to let myself become hypnotized by him. Everything he does, his deep voice and intoxicating scent could have me wrapped around his fingers before I even had time to realize what was happening.

“I’m not even going to talk to you if you are going to ignore me.” Her annoying voice continued snapping me from my already confusing thoughts. “I have things on my mind.” I replied irritably, pushing past her to open my shoe locker. The day was drawing to an end and I wanted to do nothing more than sleep on my comfortable mattress. “Care to share?”

Sighing in defeat, I slid to the floor Kamiya following shortly afterwards. “I am really confused.” I mumbled resting my hands in my lap giving up hope that she would leave me alone. She only nodded waiting to hear my thoughts. She was an admirable friend whom I believe I would have for a very long time, the rest of my life possibly. “What is wrong with me…?” I ranted to myself, not sure how to explain this to her.

How the hell am I supposed to tell her that I desire the hell out of my boyfriend? Life was far too confusing for my liking, I really wish I hadn’t let him inside and forced him out the window. I really wish I didn’t go to dinner with Kamiya and her friend, I really wish that life was just as mundane as it was before. “Well that tells me so much, continue please.” She teased, flicking my forehead playfully. Flinching away from her I sighed once more. Here goes nothing right? “I can’t help these feelings…towards…you know.”

The blank stare I received was proof enough that she didn’t know what I implied. “I am seriously lusting over Ren right now and this is scary as fuck” I cursed surprising even myself. I had always been a sour person but never or very rarely however, have I sworn. Kamiya as well was surprised, her eyes bulging from her sockets, blinking them back a few moments before bursting out laughing. “Yah! Don’t laugh at me.” I hissed, my cheeks heating with embarrassment. Honestly she makes me say such things and has the nerve to laugh at me afterwards.

“Yanagi-Chan are you kidding me that is completely normal.” She giggled, tears sticking to her long lashes only furthering my embarrassment “No you don’t get it, I just met the guy 2 months ago, dating him what…3 weeks? This isn’t normal.” I concluded with a huff, picking myself up from the floor and dusting off my pristine uniform. “Yanagi, this isn’t the 1940’s you don’t have to be a prude.” She scolded only causing me more confusion. “Kamiya it may not be the 1940s but I think we are a long way away from doing it within hours of meeting each other and marrying a month later, some people may roll like that but I don’t.”

“Suit yourself, I am telling you, it is normal. You are attracted to each other after all, and I can understand if you don’t want to give up your butt virginity right away, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t satisfy each other in other ways… you know” She hinted suggestively my already red cheeks flaming now, the red reaching my pale ears. “Kamiya, I honestly don’t understand why we are friends anymore.” Slipping into my shoes and closing the locker I made my way to the front gates of the school leaving Kamiya behind.

“You aren’t even going to let me walk you home anymore?” Ren asked walking over to me with a sly smile. “Sorry I had a talk with Kamiya and I completely forgot about anything other than trying to find reasons why we are still friends.” I apologized offering my own shy smile. Everything he did made me even more attracted to him. “Oh, why is that?” He asked curiously following closely behind me.  “She says the weirdest things.” I explained not wanting to share our private, very embarrassing conversation. “Care to share?” He repeated making me smile. I wondered why people always thought he was cold and quiet, he is talkative and very warm…very warm… “I’d rather not.” I brushed it off, adjusting the strap on my bag.

We walked in almost silence, just small chit chat about how our days were and what we ate for lunch even though we both knew due to eating together for the past few weeks. “Do you want help with your homework today?” He offered and I felt guilty almost instantly. He had no idea how much I wanted him to help with homework…well homework wouldn’t be done exactly but…I did want him to help, just knowing he was there was all I needed. “I am sorry, I have to work tonight and I also have to get homework done.” I excused quickly, switching my bag from one shoulder to the other. “I can walk you home from work and we can do your homework then, you can get it done more quickly with help and then you can sleep, you look really pale lately.” He worried and I could only melt a bit more. Everything he did made me want to pool into a pile of goo, he was so warm and gentle with everything he did, showing me that I really did matter to him. “I can’t ask you to do that, you have homework of your own and I work and live far from your luxurious lifestyle.” I pressed further, offering my shy smile he had probably grown used to, maybe even tired of. “Yanagi.” He paused, stilling just in front of my building.

“What?” I inquired curiously, stopping alongside him. “Why are you doing this to me?” he said ominously only causing my curiosity to increase. “What are you talking about?” I continued, walking a bit closer to him. “Why are you avoiding me?”

And with that I was rendered speechless, pulling at the air for words that weren’t coming to me.

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