Chapter 13: The Betreyal

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As Alvin sneaks into their room While simon was on the bathroom taking a shower. He attempted to open simon's phone and it has a passcode also his laptop. But as soon as Simon finished taking a bath he saw Alvin using his laptop and asked " What are you doing?" Alvin asked " Ah... Ah... Checking your laptop! Simon replied "What for?" Alvin said " Fine! Tell me the truth is this vanessa girl your girlfriend my Ex- Girlfriend? Simon replied in a angry mode " What the fuck Alvin! Are you accusing me of the other guy of your Ex- Girlfriend?" your paranoid Alvin! Go to Bed!" Alvin replied in a slient manner " Huh! Not until i caught you mister!" Alvin turns off the lamp. The next day its lunchtime and again simon rushed to the art classroom to meet vanessa. Alvin Followed Simon then picked into the window and saw Simon and Vanessa were kissing and making out to each other. Alvin's face were shock and he cannot believe that the other guy of his ex is his Brother. He entered the room and simon saw him and said "Aaalvinnn.. What are you doing here?" Vanessa said Alvin? You you know each other? Alvin flushed his very angry face with tears at simon and said " How could you simon? How could you? Simon replied " What are you talking about? Alvin replied " That Vanessa your Girl Friend is my ex- Girlfriend!!!!! Simon replied " Ohhhh... I  Im sorry alvin i didn't know! Alvin said " You Snake! You piece of Traitor Furball!!! I trusted you!!! You!!! You are the other guy!!!! You stole her from me!!! So thats why you are not introducing her to me! Because you know that she is my Girlfriend!! How could you? Simon replied " Alvin listen to me I I didn't know!!! Alvin said " LIARRR!!!! You just broke my trust!!! I dont wanna talk to you or see your face! For now on your not my brother anymore! YOU BIIIITCH!!!  Then Alvin punched simon on the face many times that his face is filled with blood leaving his glasses broken then Alvin ran away with tears and anger. Then Simon started crying then he ran away chasing Alvin. Leaving Vanessa behind despaired.

ALVINNNN!!! And The Chipmunks:The Other GuyWhere stories live. Discover now