chikin bananer tacos

39 4 8

Alright so I was tagged (sigh) by the lovely @SooNerdy (soo sorry if I messed up your name)

Okay the rules are:

1- you have to post the rules
2- you have to write a creative title (Pft mines weird af)
3- you have to tag 15 people (srry friends)
4- you have to write 14 facts about yourself
5) you have to do this within a week.

Okay here's some facts...I guess...

1- my name is Jordan.
2- I'm currently five ten, that was a week ago so idfk now.
3- there's a lipstick in my pocket right now
4- I just drank some Dr. Pepper.
5- I'm the second oldest out of all of my 1st cousins. Boom eat that
6- I'm 13 bitches
7- I find this list extremely stupid and irrelevant as shit
8- I've cussed at my dad before and he laughed
9- I have one sister who's a butt much and wears my makeup.
10- I fed a goat yesterday
11- I also fed a donkey
12- ( ) single ( ) taken (✔️) idk wtf is going on
13- if I get excited about something I will type in all caps. Be warned.
14- I'm on a road trip and obsessed with red colored food that's why I have a light pink lipstick in my pocket.

That was two in one so boom eat those chikin bananer tacos.

Okay so now the people I tag.

That's only ten but I don't have that many friends guys whoops.

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