Entry #93

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I'm just going to come out and say it.

Society is a bitch.

As a teenage girl, as a human, I get ready in the morning thinking about what other people will think. Now I know that you're all thinking "why is she thinking about what other people think about her"

News flash. I didn't used to.

In the past year, well school year I should say, it seems that all people care about is that I have the body of a 20+  year old prostitute at the age of 13/14.

I've been called grossly skinny. Told I have no boobs and no butt. Called rude names. Sorry I'm not like the hoes that wear push up bras two sizes too big. Seems like teenage guys today aren't "pleased" with what adolescent young girls have for them to hit and quit.

Today I looked at my body in the mirror and I hate that I felt ashamed for a quick second.

Yes, my hip bones protrude a little bit. Yes, my ribs show when I inhale really deeply. Yes, I have little to no body fat.

Can I control it? No. Am I anorexic? No. Do I eat right? Yes. Is my metabolism something that I can't help? Damn right.

Body shaming is bullying too.

Diary of An Awkward BookwormOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora