I Chapter One I Charles

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'Dad please! Don't make me go there!' Charles - Jonathan begged for what seemed like the millionth time since he'd been told about the new arrangement. His father, Edward James De Clare was the 4th richest man in the world, a hard working man, rarely showed any kindness to anyone, business associate or family. 

Edward looked down at his son with pity. Charles was the spitting image of himself. Standing tall with broad shoulders and dirty blonde hair, even though Edward's hair was now greying and his shoulders held more of a slump, there was no doubting the resemblance between the two, expect for Charles's eyes, his eyes were from his mother, a deep grey that never failed to capture the attention of anyone who looked at him.  

It wasn't Edward's fault his son been spoilt all his life... Well only partially, he never could say no to Mary-Anne, his wife and the mother of Charles. But he was old enough now and needed to experience the 'real world' before it was too late.

'You'll be going to that school until you graduate, you've missed out on secondary school but you will not miss out on the experience of a college Charles, now stop your whining and act you age!' He had finally snapped. The whining and begging had grown tiresome. His voice echoed round the grand foyer of his house which added emphasis to his words.

Charles took a step back. Blinking in disbelief, his father had never said more than five words to him in a conversation before now. He'd never even yelled before. This was new. Charles straightened his back and looked his father in the eyes. 'Fine, I'll be waiting in the car,' he turned on his heel and walked towards the door but was stopped before he made it.

'Actually Charles... You'll be driving yourself.' And in his hand were the keys to Charles' dream car.

'I can't believe you're trying to bribe me father!' He exclaimed... snatching the keys out of Edward's hand.


He parked his car a few streets away from the school, he didn't want to say that he didn't trust people not to steal or vandalise it... But it is a really nice car. He sorted his dirty blonde hair out in the mirror and grabbed his bag before stepping out onto the street. He sighed. How dare his father bribe him to go to a school, a public school of all places. It was disgusting. His mother had him home schooled all of his life and now she's d... not around so she can't argue otherwise. He felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket so he hastily answered it, glad for the distraction. 'Hello?' 

'Charles darling, hello! You start your new... school, I suppose you could call it, today do you not?' He cringed as he heard her voice and quickly sped up his walking pace, desperate for an excuse to hang up.

'Yes I do Cassandra and I'm nearly there so I really must-" He was cut off before he could even finish his sentence.

'Well that's adorable but I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight, mummy and daddy are out of town and I can tell the servants to take a few hours off...' she tried to make her voice sound sultry but she just sounded like a whiny child. He rubbed his hand over his face and held in his anger. His father and her parents had the delusion that they were to get married and live happily ever after when in reality he couldn't stand the girl. Their relationship was complicated... mainly due to him.

"Cassandra, no one calls them servants anymore, they are people too you know but... sure that sounds great, I'll be over at nine, see you!' He said and hastily hung up the phone before she had a chance to reply as he walked through the gates, he shoved his phone in his pocket and let out a heavy sigh. 

With a quick glance at his watch, he noted it was time for tutor. He readied himself for whatever fresh hell this day would bring him, it couldn't get any worse... well that's what he thought anyway.

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