I Chapter Six I Ace

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"What the hell was that?" Harley was the first one to speak. All eyes turned to him then met each other. Ace huffed out a sigh. "I have no idea." He muttered. He could still Charles's engine so he was still close. That's when he had the idea. "But lets find out," He climbed into his car and was shortly followed by the three others because they were just as curious as Ace was to find out what the hell was going on.

They pulled up across the street of where Charles had stopped. It was under a streetlight and just outside his precious 'gated community' that Charles spoke so highly of before. Ace hated to admit it but it was amazing to look at. It held about four to six huge houses which could comfortably home twenty people each with left over room. The front gardens were immaculate and all of the cars gleamed in the moonlight. Ace wasn't sure whether to be jealous or disgusted.

The four guys watched intently as they saw Charles hit the steering wheel a few times before taking a deep breath and getting out of his car. "Why has he left it on the street? I would park that baby in a garage and never take it out!" Jax loudly whispered in Ace's ear. It was a good point. Surely if this was his home he would put it away for the night. They watched Charles input a password and walk through the gate to one of the closest and largest houses. He hesitated before opening the door. It slammed shut behind him and even to the four lads in the car, it seemed quite ominous. Ace hated to admit it but he was intrigued by Charles and he was actually worried about him.

"I'mmm soooo hungryyyyyy!" Jax moaned for the sixth time that minute. They'd been waiting for at least fifteen minutes and Jax had taken it upon himself to let them know how bored or hungry he was every minute. Zane was the first to snap. "Dude, if you don't shut the hell up, I will rip a vital part of your body off and shove it down your throat, then you wouldn't be hungry!" he growled causing Harley and Ace to chuckle. "I'd still be bored though!" Ace could practically hear the pout in Jax's voice. "Wait! Shut up, someone's coming out!" Harley shushed the guys in the car.

Ace focused his attention on the scene in front of him. Charles had come storming out of his house, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. It was hard to tell but Ace could make out the silhouette of a man standing in the door way waving his arm in what seemed like an angry gesture. Charles stopped at his gate to open it which is when the man started quickly walking towards Charles who was at his car by now. When he came into the light. Ace found it hard to deny the resemblance. This was definitely Charles's dad. What happened next took everyone by surprise. His - what they assumed was his dad - pinned Charles against the car and got right in his face. A chill of familiarity washed over Ace and he balled his fists. This was an all too familiar scene. "sh-should we help him?" Jax asked tentatively, Ace was happy that he actually realised the seriousness of the situation. "Do you really think he would be happy that we followed him to his house?" An unsettling silence fell over the people in the car as they watched Charles shove the man away and yank his car door open. "Holy crap, he left it unlocked, is he crazy?" Jax exclaimed, seemingly hurt by Charles's treatment of his car. Zane hit him on the back of the head and tutted "So not important right now man!" Charles drove off down the street and the man stared after him before walking back to the house and slamming the door shut. "Yo dude, hurry up and follow him!" Harley urged Ace to start the car, they barely knew the guy but they were actually worried about him. Ace wouldn't wish the parental abuse on his worst enemies let alone on a seemingly ok guy.


"You're fucking kidding me." Jax deadpanned. Ace glanced at me and saw the shocked expression on his face and smirked. "I didn't know the guy had it in him," Harley added, wearing a similar mask of shock. They'd followed Charles's car for about half a mile, with Jax telling them random facts about the car that they didn't ask for and really didn't want to know. They were now currently parked outside a tattoo parlour and were watching Charles through the window, the couldn't see exactly what he was getting but he seemed pretty chilled out. The four guys each had a number of their own tattoos - Ace with the most - but they never clocked Charles as the type to have one maybe even a few. Ace was impressed and even more intrigued by this guy he thought he had sussed out and lets be honest here, tattoos made anyone 100% hotter and Ace was looking forward to seeing them. "Lets surprise him!" Jax exclaimed before jumping out the car. Zane yelled "Wait! Jax no do-" he sighed and ran a hand over his face. "There is no reasoning with that nut job man!" he said exasperatedly but climbed out soon after. Harley and Ace shared a look but both got out anyway.

They were leaning against the car and Ace was hurriedly inhaling his cigarette, a habit he had picked up when he was nervous. "Guys this is so fucking creepy!" He exclaimed and stamped out the remaining stub of his cigarette. He couldn't help but be nervous, this was creepy. They had stalked him, sat outside his house, the follow him here where they were now waiting for him! They barely knew him, Ace hadn't even heard of the guy until this afternoon. But... he was hot and Ace was now intrigued after seeing that Charles wasn't just the stuck up asshole he thought he was. Ace was so confused. Being nervous about a guy was completely new and strange to him. He hated it.

They saw Charles eventually emerge. He was still standing at the door talking to someone inside. Jax was bouncing up and down. "Oh my god, I'm gonna scare him, stay here!" he said before bounding off. Ace rolled his eyes and tutted but looked over just in time to see Charles throw Jax flat on his ass.

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Hey quick A/N I really don't like this chapter this much coz I don't think it's about Ace very much even though it's his POV but I'm losing motivation for this story but imma keep writing and hope that it takes the shape I want it to lmao.

Thanks guys, pls (if anyone is actually reading this) vote and comment and stuff coz it makes me really happy to see that, so yeah thanks!

Ps I've literally just realised there are so many spelling/grammar mistakes but it is currently 3:00 in the morning here so I will edit this properly when I eventually wake up. Sorry 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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