I Chapter Five I Charles

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He tried to hold back the blush that threatened to creep up his cheeks. He straightened his back and cleared his throat, horribly aware of how close he is to this very attractive boy that seemed to hate him. He was so close, he could smell Ace's slightly minty breath from his gum.

Charles didn't think he had previously said anything out of turn, he simply spoke his mind. He could see how it could be portrayed as something to offend people, but that wasn't his intention. He didn't know Ace but he was clearly a passionate person and Charles didn't intentionally insult him. 

Charles took a step back and saw the smirk on Ace's face, victory sparkling in his eyes as he saw Charles's movement as a silent surrender. Charles quirked an eyebrow "What sort of deal do you propose?" He looked towards Ace's friends who looked as equally confused as Charles felt. Ace wet his lips and Charles couldn't help but intently follow the action. Ace really did have nice lips. When he realised he was staring, he had the decency to blush but still rose his eyes and met Ace's stare. "Well, when you're done fantasising about my lips, we can discuss details." His voice was layered with amusement so Charles knew he wasn't really angry. "I wasn't fantasising about anything," Charles muttered, rolling his eyes. Ace just flashed his trademark smirk. "Sure." he said, humour still evident in his tone. "So..." Ace started, but he quickly paused and re-adjusted his beanie and tucked some loose strands of hair away before continuing. "How about we trade lives for a week each?" Ace suggested. Charles let the image play over in his mind before realising he really had no clue what Ace was trying to suggest. "I'm sorry please explain in more detail, I'm thoroughly confused." Charles said after a few minutes. Ace rolled his eyes, a habit seemingly picked up from Charles in the short amount of time they'd spent together. "I show you what it's like to live my life for a week, meaning you tail me, you go where I go, do what I do, unless I tell you not to; just to prove your pretentious views wrong..." Ace let Charles absorb the information he'd just heard. Charles was honestly still slightly baffled that the word 'pretentious' was in Ace's vocabulary. But he nodded to signal to Ace to continue, "And I do the same, I live a week in your life, do what you do, go where you do, unless you tell me otherwise and you can prove to me how 'hard' your privileged life is," Charles didn't appreciate the sarcasm laced in Ace's words. "What's in it for me?" Charles challenged, crossing his arms. Not that he was likely to turn down the chance to spend more time with Ace but he wasn't going to go through all of that effort just to be proved right and righteously dumped back into his old life in a week. But before Ace could answer Charles felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He gave an apologetic smile and quickly got it out and groaned in despair when he saw who it was. She always picked the worst moments to call.

"Hello?" he said with a sigh, regretting picking up the second she started to speak. 

"Hello? HELLO? Don't fucking hello me Charles-Jonathan, you absolute ass!" Cassandra shrieked down the phone. Charles winced at her tone.

"Look, something else came up, I apologise but I'm not that late but this is really important!" He argued, his irritation clearly shown in his voice.

"More important than spending quality time with me your girlfriend Charles!" She sounded absolutely livid and Charles had just about had enough.

"I'm afraid so yes, I had to help a friend out," he said quickly looking towards Jason who was looking at him with curiosity. 

"You chose the public school... scum over me? What the hell is wrong with you Charles - Jonathan. I am your priority because I am your girlfriend!" She yelled, her voice shaking and demanding. 

"Cassandra, you are NOT my girlfriend; never have been and never will be, you are bloody annoying and never stop whining, I regret going on any date with you that I ever agreed to!" Charles ended up yelling the last of that sentence at her. He didn't set out to insult but that just seems to keep happening. This day really wasn't going well.

She started making a choking noise which Charles recognised as the beginning of her crying and he pinched the bridge of his nose to keep himself from snapping. "I'm going to tell daddy on you Charles, just wait until he tells your father! I'm pretty sure this isn't part of the deal Charles" She said before hanging up. Her malicious agenda was clear in her voice. 

A wave of dread spread through his spine, freezing the blood in his veins.

"FUCK!" Charles yelled throwing his phone on the ground. Letting his self control slip. It smashed into pieces. Broken beyond repair. Just like Charles's relationship with his father was going to be. He kicked it away from him and heard it hit one of the overpass's walls. 'Good' he thought. He nervously ran his hand through his hair and tried not to lose what he had left of his dignity. What had he done? If his father found out, the consequences would be severe. He was pacing by now and was cupping his face in his hands.

It was then he realised he wasn't alone and looked up to see five shocked faces staring back at him. He stood still, straightened his back and coughed a few times to clear his throat.

"I'm sorry gentlemen but it looks like we'll have to continue this conversation another day," His voice was embarrassingly shaky and he knew that there were tears shimmering in his eyes. He tried to ignore the curious and even... concerned stare he was getting from Ace and turned towards Jason "Do you still need a lift home, it would be of no inconvenience," Charles plastered a fake smile on his face. Jason looked unsure, Charles didn't blame him one bit, he must look like a temperamental mad man. "Er... if you're sure?" Charles nodded and fished his car keys out of his pocket. "Of course, it's no bother," he then turned towards the four presences he had been studiously ignoring. "Sorry about that, it would be very much appreciated if we could forget this happened, I'll see you at school tomorrow," he said his goodbyes and didn't wait for an answer before walking over to and unlocking his car. Jason climbed in and Charles could see him sending nervous glances towards him as he started the car. "Thanks again man... for the money, i would be so screwed without it. I really appreciate it." Charles pulled out on to the main road. "Yeah, no worries," he muttered, his eyes on the road but his mind elsewhere. 

He pulled up next to Jason's house. It was moderate in size and not at all what Charles expected. Jason got out the car then turned around to face Charles. "Y'know, I owe you big time man, so even if you just wanna talk or help with something, I'm here," he offered. Charles smiled a small but genuine smile. "Thank you Jason, that's very noble of you," the boy standing at the door still didn't seem sure but he nodded and made his way to the house. 

Charles gnawed nervously on his lip as he drove closer to his house. Not knowing what the hell what was waiting for him at home... And completely unaware of the car with four very curious and bad ass guys tailing him. 

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