I Chapter Two I Ace

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"Ace, wake the hell up," Ace groaned and rolled away from the voice, trying to go back to sleep. "Ace, get the fuck up, he's still asleep now but he knows how late you came back last night!" this woke him up fully. He rubbed his eyes and saw his younger brother leaning over his bed, with worry written over his face. "Dev, how many times have I told you not worry man, I can handle him and it's only me he hates, calm down," Dev seemed a little bit reassured, "Also you're only 14 don't go around swearing like that man, go wake your sisters up," Dev walked over to the door but a noise from the next room made him pause and look back at Ace "Go Dev, I'll be fine, he's nothing to worry about," Ace watched Dev go before stretching and getting out of his bed. His brother would worry even more if he saw the state of his clothes. He dug another outfit out of his wardrobe and quickly changed into it. Ace shoved his clothes from last night into his school bag, reminding himself to stop off at the dry cleaners on the way home from school to try and get rid of the stink of smoke, and mysterious blood stains. He checked his face in the mirror, there was a bruise on the underside of his jaw and his eyes were bloodshot from the lack of sleep... among other things, his hair was looking a little on the greasy side so he covered it with a grey beanie, but other than that he looked acceptable for his first day of college. He checked the time on his clock; he had about an hour until he needed to get everyone to school.

Dev and his siblings were upstairs getting dressed while Ace was downstairs cooking breakfast which is when he came downstairs. "11's your curfew remember?" said the gruff voice, Ace glanced up to see his stepdad Roger standing there in his boxers and stained vest, with a murderous look on his face. "I could easily kick out of 'ere boy, keep that in your 'ed" Roger was a proud south londener and emphasised his accent just to prove it sometimes. Ace had heard this particular speech millions of times yet nothing has ever come of it. "What? so you would be left to make Devon's, Hazel's and Ivy's breakfast, drive them to two different schools on opposite sides of the town then pick them up later and drive them to all their different after school clubs then pick them up again just to drive them back here, cook dinner and put them to bed after making sure they've done their homework?" Ace didn't take his eyes off the bacon once, not wanting to burn their breakfast. He did however hear the thundering footsteps in his direction. He was whipped round and pressed against the wall by an arm to his throat. "I've just about bloody well 'ad enough of your cheek boy. You live in my house and give me all o' that gob, and I'm not putting up with it anymore," Ace zoned out as his Roger droned on. "Well got anything else to say boy?" Ace nodded his head "The bacon's burning," he managed to croak out, Roger raised his fist and opened his mouth to say something but was stopped doing anything further by multiple footsteps running down the stairs. Roger wouldn't dare do anything to Ace when his precious kids were around. Hazel and Ivy came in with a slightly panicked looking Devon behind them but Ace quickly gave him a small thumbs up before turning back to the stove so his little brother didn't catch the tear that ran down his face.


"Wassup fam," Jax greeted Ace as he pulled the car door open, "last night was mad, sick idea of yours!" he said as he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket, Ace saw this out the corner of his eye "Oi, what have i said about smoking in here man, it's bad for the kids lungs, and you sound like and idiot saying 'fam'" Jax tutted but put the cigarette away anyway. "Also I don't see you couldn't walk your lazy ass to college, it's literally four streets away!'' Ace spat out viciously as he indicated to pull into the car park, Jax stared at his mate from the corner of his eye "ay fa- Ace, what the fuck's wrong with you?" then realisation dawned on his face, "Did you have a run in with the step-cock? I'm guessing he's mad about last night?" Ace only grunted in conformation. "That sucks man, he's a dick," Ace smirked "tell me something I don't know, c'mon we gotta get to tutor," Ace grabbed his bag, trying to clear his head of all the mornings previous negativity, knowing that today could only get better. New college. New beginnings... and all that crap.

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