Gajeel & Y/n's Embarrassment

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Gajeel's POV
  Is it only me that wonder's what makes that new girl tick and who she really  is, I really wanna know and it's like anyone else seems to notice when I'm gone so I might as well go find out!? Tch,not like I wanted to go visit her anyways...

Random Pov

As Gajeel set off to stalk you and yes this is one of those "That sounded better in my head moments for Gajeel".

As you set off to your house and base operation you were well aware of why you were being followed,who was following  you, and even what they were thinking before they thought it  (your just that good).

  Your Pov
  As I entered my house I assumed if I actually took a shower that Gajeel would be forced to knock,but I forgot ro turn on the shower as soon as I got home. I was really tired and assuming that I turned it on I layed down in my bed to rest my eyes but ended up fallibg asleep in my towel.

In the dream...

Elfman : Look at that coward, she's everything, but a real man

Y/n:Guys what is he talking about?

Gray:Quit playing innocent, you coward why didn't you just tell us from the beginning.

Erza:You betrayed us...You betrayed the guild

Y/n:What are you talking about!

Happy: Why ...Y/n Why?

Y/n :Why what

Laxus:I never liked you

Y/n: but Laxus

Natsu:How could you!

Y/n: Natsu How could I what!?

Gajeel: Disappear

Y/n: Gajeel not you too


Y/n: Ma-master

Wendy:Why Y/n...If that's even your real name

Y/n:Wendy you too

Back to Reality...


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