The ended of one life, and starting a new one

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*warning if you are sensitive to any mention of abuse/gore please stop reading this story.*

*Alex's POV*

"You *SLAP!* stupid *SLAP* piece of shit *kick* I gave birth to you,and all I get is a useless brat who ​​​​​​*SLAP* can't even clean a fucking house properly!" yelled a woman in her mid twenties with dirty blonde hair and dull brown eyes. As she continued to beat her fourteen year old son.

No tears were shed from the boy on the floor as his mother continued to hit or kick him. Having to endure this for years all he felt no pain only numbness.He stared at the floor not daring to look in his mothers eyes as he whispered.

​"I'm sorr​​​y mother."

"You should be you piece of shit..... Now school starts in half an hour cover yourself up,and get ready." she ordered as she left a small container of concealer, and a cracked mirror so that he puts it on properly before leaving the basement.

*Alex's POV*

As my mother left the basement I just layed there only feeling the numbness of my injuries. I flexed my arm only feeling slight stiffness meaning she hadn't broken it this time. I moved around a little bit and I could tell I had some badly bruised ribs a mildly sprained arm, a busted lip along with some bruises and scratches here and there.

As I finished applying the concealer to my face hiding all the bruises,I looked down at myself and saw that I was still wearing my old washed out jeans, and old black T-shirt that was at least two sizes to big,making me look more thinner than normal.I looked around the basement looking for my last article of clothing.

"there it is." I thought to myself as I picked up my black hoody. It was probably the only nicest thing in my life. I remember my first and only friend Jasper gave it me on my thirteenth birthday.

When I finalIy deemed myself worthy for school I made my way out of the basement as I made my way out I had to cover my eyes from the bright light that made it's way through the windows of the house. The house that we lived in was nothing special it had two bedrooms, two bathrooms(one in the basement and the other up stairs.) and a crappy little kitchen that my mother and her latest boyfriend currently occupied as they snogged on the kitchen counter.

See as this was a perfect time to escape I quickly grabbed a apple out of the almost empty fruit bowl,and ran as fast as my legs could carry me out of the house. The only thing I enjoyed about going to my school was the fifteen minute walk it took for me to get there. What else would I like about my school the students bully me,the teachers are idiots,and the food sucks.

My walk soon came to a end as my school soon came into view, as I made my way into the school I could feel it as people stared into my back as I walked past them and towards my locker.

​​"Tch I thought he would have killed himself already."

"Who would of thought someone like him could be the son of Lexi Ravenwood(my mother) a famous spokeswomen for channel ****."

"I know right scum like him should just kill himself already."

As they continued to say more and more things about me and my mother I finally arrived at my locker and saw that they had wrote stuff on it again.

Emo freak
I know you killed her!!
Just kill yourself already!!

I looked at the front of my locker before opening it and taking everything I needed out of it before slamming it shut,and going to my first class.

Classes weren't much better with ignorant people as your teachers so the people all around me had free reign to bully me when the teacher wasn't paying attention.
When lunch had finally came I bolted out of my seat the very second I heard the bell giving me a head start from my bullies.
They soon gave up on chasing me when they couldn't catch me for the first five minutes of lunch. When I saw they were no longer chasing me I made my ways to the school rooftop.
As I peeked my head out the door to make sure their was no body was there I relaxed when I saw that no one was there. I went to my usual stop on the roof on the far side of the door. As I layed there just enjoying the warm sun on my pale skin hoping that it would last forever but that thought was interrupted as lunch soon ended. I waited a few minutes making sure that I was a least five minutes late for classes as I exited the rooftop.

*Time skip after school*

W​​​​​hen school had finally ended with me only getting another bruised rib and a slightly throbbing in my head I ran towards home not noticing that I would be ten minutes late to the set time that my mother wanted me home. When I got home I saw that my mothers car was still parked in the driveway meaning that she was home.

When I entered the house I had to quickly duck in order to dodge something that was thrown at my head.

*CRASH* The sound of the projectile hitting the wall and breaking rang throughout the silent house, I turned around and saw that she had thrown at me was a glass cup that know lay in pieces on the floor. I looked to see where the flying projectile came from and saw my mother standing there in the doorway a half empty bottle of wine in one hand. While she leaned against the doorway for support most likely so she didn't fall over in her drunkenness.

​​​​​"yooou little fucker yooou wweere supposed to bee home ten mmiinutes agooo~~" she slurred out angerly as she took another swing from the bottle.

I stared at my mother with a blank look on my face as I took in her drunken appearance. The only times I can remember her ever being like this was when she was fired from her job.

"Annnd I gott firrreeddd fromm my job todday."

'Bingo~' I thought sarcastically.

"But your finally going to useful you piece of shit." she said with malice in her voice as the dootbell rang.


As the doorbell continued to ring, I felt hands on my back as my mother pushed me towards the door. When we got closer towards the door I started to get a bad gut feeling and began to resist. But it was useless with me being skinny and weak while she was completely healthy.

She yanked the door open to reveal five men in black suits. Her hands immediately left my back only to be replaced by strong ones as the men dragged me out of the house.

"What are you doing? LET ME GO!" I started to kicking and screaming to get them to let go or at the very least for someone to help me.

I looked back at the woman who was supposedly my mother and saw that one of the men in black had handed her a large envelope full of money.

'That Bitch SoLd Me!!' I thought angerly as I started to kick and scream with more vigor. A movement from the corner of my eye caught my attention. I turned my head and saw one of my neighbors pocking her head out of her curtain watching everything that was happening to me.

"HELP ME!!" I screamed out to her hoping that she would come out or call the police. She only looked at me with disgust before closing the curtain. Seeing that no one was going to help me I started to thrash around harder as I tried to escape from them. I Heard the men dragging me start to curse as I started to slip through their grip, seeing that I had at least a little bit of a chance to escape only made me thrash more. I felt a small pinch on the side of my neck so I turned and saw one of the guys had stuck a small syringe in my neck and emptied out all of it's contents. If it was a sleeping drug then it was a good one my head started to spin as my world started to get all disoriented and soon black dots filled my vision. With all the strength I could muster I looked with hate filled eyes into the eyes of my mothers- ​​​​​​no that Woman and said with as much venom as I could in my state and shouted.
" You better hide where no one can find you, because when I find you and I will​​​ your ass is the first one on my list MoThEr DeArEsT!!
And before I knew it everything had gone pitch black.

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