Torture and inner demons~part 2~

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As weeks went by I had another dream with the demonic cat

"So YoUr BaCk ALReAdY aRe YoU hAvInG fUn?"
As I sat their in my chair I could once again only feel the numbness of my body something that I was glad for.
"YoU sEeM dIfFeReNt Is It FiNaLlY gEtTiNg To YoU??" it asked me as it started to fish in the pond.
"..What makes you say that?" I couldn't help but talk to him with only being with insane doctors that won't stop cutting me open.
"HeHeHe, I cAn SeE iT yOuR sLoWlY sTaRnInG tO lOoSe It!! JuSt LoOk At YoUr ChAiNs." it told me as it pulled out a screaming head from the red lake on his fishing pole.
I looked down at myself and saw the same old chains- no there was something wrong one of the chains was starting to rust and crack.
​​​"CaN't YoU sEe? YoU aLrEaDy StArTiNg To CrAcK HeHeHe!!"

*Real world Alex's POV*

The cat was right I could feel it my sanity was slipping through my grasp as time started to pass. Soon after Dr.Sting found out he could take out my internal organs and they would grow back he started on with new experiments. The second thing he did was enhance my senses I could do things a normal person could dream of. I could lift hundreds of pounds of weights, out run even the fastest animals, and my five senses were enhanced to be able to make out small objects from far away distances, could hear a persons heart beat from buildings away, my sense of smell could even beat one of a blood hounds.
Soon the doctor got bored with that and decided to add different powers to myself. Some of the more normal ones were levitating objects and people, another one was being able to turn myself and nonliving things invisible. One of the more trickery ones that I know had was the ability to pass through objects/people at will. But during one of my 'training' sessions they soon found this ability was a lot more dangerous then they first thought because when one of the guards of the place were being a lot more rough than usual to take me to my cell I kinda just snapped.

*flash back when he first got that ability.*
"Good work today, we'll work more on this ability tomorrow. Guard take him back to his room." Said Dr.Sting.
Since they were short on staff today they only had two guard with me today, to sum one of them up he was a over weight jackass with bald shiny head. While the other was short and lanky making him look harmless.
The fat one walked over to me with a sour look on his face grabbing my arm roughly.
​​"Let's get this over with you piece of shit."
"You stupid piece of shit!! How could have I ever given birth to something as worthless as you!!"
I don't know whether it was because I was already having a really bad day today because of the intense testing and the moldy food they served me today, or the fact that he sounded like that woman.
"BrEaK hIm~"
"YoU kNoW yOu WaNt To~"
​​"JuSt TaKe YoUr HaNd~"
"AnD rIp OuT hIs HeArT!!"
And that's what I did I ripped my other arm from the other guys grip and sunk it wrist deep into his chest. I could feel his heartbeat against the palm of my hand before I clenched my hand and ripped his heart out literally. Though I was slightly surprised when I looked at him I saw there no hole in his chest, not even a speck of blood could be seen on his food stained uniform. Put there it was sitting in the palm of my hand the still slightly beating heart. He looked at me with wide pain filled eyes before he coughed up blood and falling dead on the cold hard floor.
To say the other guard was freaked out was a understatement, he quickly pulled out his gun and shot me in the head.
To bad I couldn't die.

*End of flashback*
So after each training session was over or anytime I was in my room or being experimented on they gave me this drug ever few hours in order to suppress my powers. Soon after that he saw no other reason to give me more powers he decided it was time to see how I ticked and what made me survive while the other test subjects didn't.
And during this time my darkest time I started to have more and more dreams about the demented cat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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