Torture and inner demons

667 18 3

*Alex's POV Unknown location*
It WaS dArK
I cAn'T sEe
I cAn'T fEeL
WhErE aM I???

As I stayed there suspended in total darkness, in a way it felt nice just simply being here and not there and just being able to exist with no one else. But as I floated there I could see a small glimmer of light in the corner of my eye start to glow brighter almost as if it demanded my attention
'As they say curiosity killed the cat.' I told myself as I walked towards the light not expecting a reply.
'AnD sAtIsFaCtIoN bRoUgHt IT bAcK!!' called out a voice from the light.
Hearing that someone else was hear disappointed me I wanted this to me my place but it seems not. I picked up my pace and soon arrived at the place where the voice came from.
I expected a lot of things when I heard that voice but when I showed up to black demonic looking cat by a large pile of different presents looking into a deep red lake was not one of them.
'Who are you?" I called out to it.
"YoU. WhO eLsE wOuLd I bE?"
"But I don't look anything like you."
"ThAt'S bEcAuSe I'm YoUr InNeR dEmOn."
"I don't understand." I told him confused as I watch him jump from one of the larger presents he was sitting on and made his way towards the red lake.
"AnD I wOuLdN't ExPeCt YoU ToO.... nOt LiKe HoW yOu ArE AnYwAy."
"What do you mean? Like how I am-" I looked down at myself and was shocked when I saw that I saw sitting in a wooden chair as chains of all different sizes were wrapped around my body.
​​​​"It'S a LoVeLy DaY wHy NoT gO fOr A sWiM??" It asked me looking back into the deep red lake. I know what water looks like and it wasn't red. So I looked as best as I could into the water trying to see what was so special about it.... Then I heard it whispering into my ear.
just let go..
Can you feel it??
The insanity
What's holding you back?
Nobody loves you
Your mother beat you
She sold you
And the world abandoned you.
But we love you
We can help you
Make you strong
Stronger than anyone
We could make you untouchable
And all we ask in return
Is the only thing you have left..
" .....What do I have left?" I couldn't help but ask them the voices whispering sweetly into my ear.
The only thing you have left...
... Your SaNiTy!!!
"..... Ha.... Haha ha..... HAHAHHAH..... Sorry but the thing your asking for well I can't give it to you."
What? Why?
"Because I made a promise to her... The only friend I had Jasper."
Why would you keep a promise to someone who is dead?
"You wouldn't understand afterall your only just a voice in my head... But she made me promise that I should ever let my sanity go."
Your stubborn but it won't last.... You'll fall and you'll love every moment of it.
"It SeEmS tHAt OuR tImE iS uP sEe YoU lAtEr AlEx." was the last thing the demonic cat said to me before white started to fill my vision.

​​​*O​​​ut of dreamscape real world Alex's POV*

As my mind started to wake up my senses started to return one by one, the first thing I noticed was that I was no longer in the basement. But it wasn't much of a upgrade the walls were made of dull Grey cement, and the room was a lot smaller than the basement about the size of a large closet only having enough room to fit a small bed(a crappy one.) a sink and toilet was off to the far right of the room, there were no windows so the only light and oxygen that I got was from a small lightbulb in the middle of the ceiling and a small air vent that was blowing out cold air. The only thing that stood out most in my 'room' was a large metal door I got off my bed and made my way towards the door on wobbly feat.
'Locked? Just who did that woman sell me to?(from this point on Alex won't be referring to his mother as mother any more instead he just calls her that woman.)' I thought to myself when the door wouldn't even open in the slightest.
I looked at the door again and saw their was a metal flap on it most likely for food and stuff. I opened it and was happy when it actually opened. I peaked outside and was shocked when I saw rows of doors that looked exactly like mine on the outside, but that wasn't the only thing I saw people in guard uniforms either dragging people out of the rooms or there were some people with lifeless looks in their eyes being pushed in by wheelchairs by the people in the guard uniforms. I quickly shut the metal flap when I heard footsteps make their way towards my 'room'. The door burst open and immediately I was dragged by guards into one of those wheelchairs but mine had leather straps for both my wrist and ankles.
"Be careful gentlemen, we don't to damage him to soon." said a lady wearing something similar to a nurses outfit.
"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE??! LET ME GO!! WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?? ANSWER ME!!" I demanded them as I started to thrash around in my restraints. But all they did was ignore me and started to wheel me down the halls.
"Oh your a feisty one! Dr.sting will like you! But if someone has to explain things to you then I guess little old me will have to do.. But first." She paused with a sickly sweet smile on her face before she grabbed my hair and punched me in the face hard.
"That was for disrespecting me and shouting.. So where was I? Oh right your here because your mother sold you to us, and who are we? Well that's not important so I'll just ignore that one. And your here because we're working on a project to create the perfect human. And just like many others you will be taking part of this.. Oh here's your stop see you later if you survive." was the last thing she said before I disappeared into one of the rooms.
The only way I could describe this room was a torture chamber, there were tools of all sorts of shapes of sizes lined up on the wall and on some of the tables. In the center of the room was something you would see in a dentist room, it was one of those tall chairs that could recline back, but the leather seat was worn out and there were shackles for both ankles and wrists on it. And all around it were weird contraptions that I couldn't name but they all looked extremely painful in one way or another.
"Ah my new 'patient' has arrived just put him in the chair and we'll get started gentlemen." said a man in a bloodied doctors outfit(no not Dr.smiley)he had slick back black hair and dull gray eyes. As I was strapped into the chair I could feel it start to recline backwards as the guy who I guessed was Dr.sting pushed a button on a remote.
"So I heard from your mother that you don't feel pain is that true?" he asked me as he got out a syringe full of some mysterious blue substance.
I nod my head at his question not liking where any of this is going.
"Well I can't have that know can we? You see I love the look of fear and pain in my patients eyes, but I just can't stand it when they scream it's like their trying to blow out my ear so I usually just freeze all their nerves so they can't move but they can still feel everything, but for special cases like you who can't feel pain I've made this *holds up syringe* that will heighten your sense of pain isn't that great!?" Said that sadistic bastard as he shoved two needles in my arm one to make me feel pain and the other to paralyze me.
The once numb feeling was soon gone from my body as a freezing burn could be felt in all of the nerves in my body as paralysis took effect.
"As one of the nurses probably told you your Here in order to help us to create the perfect human and to start things off how can you not be perfect if you don't have a regenerative ability? So we've created this serum, but it rejects everyone that comes in contact with it, I wonder will you be different?" was the only thing he said as he stuck a syringe full of orange liquid into my neck
After he pulled it out a few seconds passed when nothing happened but soon a slight burning feeling started to form from my neck and started to spread across my body. As minutes started to pass soon the heat started get unbearable it felt like it was completely melting my insides, I wanted so badly to scream and thrash around anything that would help with the pain I was in but i was completely frozen. What felt like hours had passed the heat soon started to die down until nothing was left.

But I shouldn't have survived or at least I didn't want to after Dr.sting saw that I survived he started to run tests on me to see how much I could regenerate. It lasted for weeks first he started by pulling out my finger nails and toe nails. When he saw that they grew back within a hour of being pulled he kicked it up a notch by littering my body with cuts and bruises to see if my skin could heal, and soon after each and everytime my body healed more and more gruesome experiments took place.

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